#3 crowN

| November 3, 2010 | 0 Comments

“Evil? I prefer chaotic-neutral.”

I’m a bit disappointed about how this came out. To be honest, I do like the first sketch better. Especially his eyes. And I fail at drawing birds

I had a few technically problems like a break down of the drawingprogramm. Of course at an almost finish.

But, well… this charming guy is crowN, an admin of “Königreich der Welten”.

He is able to turn into a crow and this way he is able to observe gamers without being noticed by them. He meets Martina this way and he asks her to become also an admin but she refuses.

crowN is no evil character, but he enjoys his power.

His outfit is based on a special crow, the hooded crow (corvus corone cornix). His skin is white.

The nickname crwoN represents on the one hand his ability to turn into a crow on the other hand the typically headdress of the admins.

He has caused me a lot of trouble but I like him.

Have a nice day,

Ciao, till tomorrow

Category: Fantasy, Manga

About the Author ()

I'm 23 years young and finally at university. I'm attending to Sam's free Comicschool MICS for at least 5 years. I also was a trainee at WOC, were I learnd to animate and to draw better. It was a great time

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