#4 Guardian Angel Armiga
Just a quick drawing cause I’m in a hurry…
This is quite personal and usually I don’t draw angels
Her name is Armiga which is latin and means “shield bearer”. I’ve drawn her for the pupils at my former school because during the last four years, every year a pupil died. Two were hit by a train, one died because of cancer and these days a girl was hit by a truck.
Armiga has two pairs of wings so she is quite fast and with her ears she can hear secret wishes of the pupils. Her dress is orange bcause this is the color of my former school . I had some problems to scan her, because I’ve drawn her at aquarellpaper, so I’m sorry about the scanning edges
I just wanted to draw someone like her. Maybe it helps, no one knows
See you tomorrow
Shes very sweet!~
You are very brave to tell about all this so openly. A beautiful angel, and very well thought of. Heads up!
Thank you two very much