#7 – The Vibe
Aaron Leslie Hines never knew he was special, until the very day he became involved into a gang war that alerted Blindsight’s Team, and was almost beaten up by Xroma because he seemed to have snuck up behind her, and refused to answer her questions.
The point is: Aaron is not only deaf from birth, he is also a mutant living completely in a world without sound. His power is that a special vibration pattern of his body prevents Aaron from creating any sound. If he hits a table, no sound can be heard. He cannot talk, not even cough audibly.
However, his shoes DO create a sound on the floor, but still muffled by his powers. But still, since he was deaf anyway, Aaron never even suspected he had any powers at all.
Impressed by the team’s efforts in the gang war, he agrees to aid the team, which is made possible by Neverminds telepathy, which enables him to communicate with the team.
An accomplished freeclimber, Aaron takes over the part of reconaissance.
He uses an array of different projectiles and slings/slingshots as weapons.
Aaron calls himself “The Vibe” for reasons of irony mainly, but also as a diversion from the nature of his powers. Like most of the team, he tries not to give away too much about his powers so that his weaknesses cannot be exploited.
He’s also the one who suggests the team should have a name. Blindsight is against that, and when Aaron is asked why he wants a team name, his answer is the handsign for “family”.
Dedicated and loyal, The Vibe is a true teamplayer, and shows no signs of fear.
Category: Superhero
Completely cancels sound vibrations, eh? Nice, you’re coming up with some really interesting superpowers. I like how they’re not very impressive powers, but still formidable.
Yes, that’s exactly the point of the project.
What will people do, if they have only marginal superpowers and want to be heroes anyway?
The question above all is: How much easier will it be to be a villain instead?
Keep entertained!