#7 Lord Gorn Dance
Commander of the Northern Host, Lord Gorn Dance is one of the most feared Fae in the known realm. Where his war banner flies, armies tremble. Considered the greatest warrior to live by most historians, Lord Gorn was originally the commander of the wild Faerie Host of the Western dominance. That Host, having no ruling body to govern them, were considered the scavengers of the realm until Princess Lorne sought an audience with Lord Gorn, then known as the Fae, Gorn Dance. He brought with him his armies when he agreed to rebuild the Northern Host, and the Princess named him her champion and commander of the Dominance’s armies and granted him a Lordship.
Lord Gorn is a pure Fae, meaning he has never known subjegation by the High Folk, and as such regards them as equals on all levels. Since coming to Hold, he has made intentions towards the Princess’s whisperer Chondra Flicker. Having a Faerie’s wild heart, he would stop at nothing to win her affections…
Wow! Love the detail you are putting into these characters especially in the littlest of things like the armor and cellular webbing in the wings. Another great piece!
Thanks Matt! I’m working slightly larger on these than what appears so I always worry about what little details get lost. It’s good to know they are paying off 🙂
Antoher awesome one! Your shading/shadow work is great!!!
thanks Chris! *high fives*
Great work Dan. I like how the cloth sort of imitates leaves or flower petals, but not in such an overt manner as some faerie and elf takes I’ve seen. This story needs to be taken to production.
Thanks Tim! Good eye:) I wanted to pay homage to some of those earlier takes on elves and faeries but like a bombay and tonic – always better with a twist…
Here’s hoping it makes it to print!
This guy looks bad ass! Great work!
Thanks Bobby! I think this is the last of this set…next up, watercolor!
Ho-ly Sheeeeeeeit!
Ha ha ha – I’m taking that as a good thing. 🙂
Damn, that looks so good. I love the continuing chest piece.
Merci Joe! I appreciate it 🙂
I can’t wait to read this Graphic Novel! I love the way you’ve made the metal *glint*, Dan. Gorgeous work as usual.
Thanks so much Jande 🙂