Danny DoGooder . The kinda guy that makes you sick he does every thing so well . Every one adores him and he is never a dick to anyone.He once saved a whole basket of kittens while making a donation to the united way and putting out a fire at the same time.
Category: Humor, Uncategorized
Father,Husband,general laborer and ,creative person.( In that order).The creator behind the web comic zombiegeorge. Horrific fun for off balance individuals ( That's the tag Line) .A pitiful fool at the end of his rope of desperation. This creative person just refuses to quit. He may be 20 years behind every one else but he keeps on truckin ( In the wrong direction.)
If he's not sitting at the dinning room table drawing crude pictures of voodoo zombies or fixing both physical and emotional aspects of his family's life you'll find him on his hands and knees sweeping up yolks at an egg packaging facility .
In his free time he likes to...(Never mind he has no free time) ......UM Um I mean he like to take part in the 30 character challenge .
( Why did i refer to myself in third person)
Quite a subversion because he is totally not what I envision when I think of a dogooder.
It’s whats on the inside that counts ya know .I mean he did save a whole basket of kittens .LOL