2011 Challenger: Christina Wolfe

| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Hello, world!

With everything else I’ve got going on in my life, part of me thinks that signing up for something like this was a complete waste of time, but while putting all of that hullabaloo aside, I think it’s time to step out of my comfort zone and really dive into this. It’s time to take all of these characters out of my head (and dreams) and bring them to life, one day at a time.

February’s Drawi a Day is great but November’s 30 Characters Challenge takes a daily drawing regiment to a whole new level. You’re not just drawing every day, you’re creating, you’re giving your figures purpose and individuality. This isn’t fan art. It’s your art! That’s what makes this challenge awesome!

So, what will I be bringing to the table? I’ll bring a mixture of superheroes and villains, sci-fi and fantasy with a little bit of humor. Ok…so maybe a little more humor. I like creating characters out of the norm. You won’t find some all-powerful superhero with laser beam eyes and super strength in my bunch. No sir!

And there might be waffles involved. 😛

Most of my work is digital, either done through Adobe Photoshop 7 or Paint Tool Sai. On the days I won’t be home and near my trusty art machine, I guess I’ll have to bring along a sketchbook so I don’t miss a day. If missing a day of this challenge is like missing a day in an AP class, then I best prepare myself ahead of time.



Category: 2011, About, Participants

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