2011 Challenger: David “Slade” Hayes

yeah, the hat is a bit large for a trilby
So, here I am, poised to start (looking snazzy… oh wait, I’m supposed to be drawing. mmm. dang)
Some things about me? mmm. Live in Norther California, been alive for 30 years now (yeah, that’s the face of a 30 year old…), don’t drink (well, I’ve tried drinking, and it’s not really my thing. Tea or coffee for me, please.), and loved anime and manga before it was mainstream (yeah, it makes me sound like a hipster… though I’m not). Better yet, it was my mom that got me into a love for Japan in generall… which is kinda sad that I still haven’t really learned Japanese yet (picking up little bits here and there, but not enough yet)
Aside from that, I love creating characters. For this round, I think I’m going to concentrate on populating a couple of my story ideas.
While I still have to load new art, you can find my Deviant Art here: SladeXIII
Category: 2011, About, Participants
Void Represent.