2011 Challenger Jennifer Manley

| November 2, 2011 | 0 Comments

There isn’t a whole lot to tell about me aside from the fact that I love reading and writing. I am 30 years old and love fantasy stories and characters. I also love pirates (I definitely loved them before Disney made their movies.) I used to draw when I was younger but then I decided I wasn’t any good at it so I stopped. I saw this ‘project’ and immediately signed up for it without even really thinking about it. I definitely could use something to light some fires of inspiration and creativity within me so maybe trying to come up with some characters or think outside of the box might help. (I will not be adding illustrations to my characters. If they are added at all they will be added later or when the challenge is complete.)

I’m just going to put a name, a brief description of their appearance since there is no image, and a brief  probably very rough scene.

I hope you enjoy my characters even without illustration and look forward to seeing what what everyone comes up with!


Category: 2011, Participants

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