Day 2 – Sandra Williams

| November 2, 2011 | 0 Comments

Sandra Williams has no powers or special abilities. She was raised by Catholic parents and soon began a course of rebellion against the dogma that was being forced upon her. Her rebellion encompassed all the usual suspects; alcohol and substance abuse, anti-social behaviour, until she found herself pregnant at 17. Believing herself unfit to be a mother, she booked herself in for a termination, only to be stopped at the last minute by her enraged Father.

Held under a house arrest by her parents, having come full-term and given birth to a daughter, she quickly left her family and sought a new life for herself in Newland County. Her life continued to spiral downwards when an attempted sexual assault changed her outlook on life. Heading back home, Sandra was devastated to discover her parents and daughter had perished in an accidental house fire. Taking this as a sign that her disbelief in any form of Religion was truly the best way for her to live, she once again headed back to Newland County, where she took a number of part-time jobs. Eventually she worked her way up the chain at “Bouquets of Love” florist, becoming the manager at 28. It is here that she employed and became friends with Malachy, not knowing who he really was.

Sandra is around 5’ 8” tall, with a slim build, but shows the scars of her previous wild-child existence on her arms. She prefers to wear long sleeved tops, with trousers to avoid having her scars freely on show. Whilst she works hard at maintaining a pleasant persona, she still displays a bit of a temper, especially when tired, or stressed.


Category: 2011, Drama

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