#3 Thoughtful Kitty

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

#3 Thoughtful Kitty — Finally, I figured out how to upload these posts properly. I almost gave up on trying to do this challenge. As for Kitty, she was a character I was going to use if I ran short of time on one of these posts ( I drew up this picture last summer). I didn’t know I was going to use her this soon though.

Kitty was created from the descriptions in a name generator. There are a few out there that can come up with some interesting characters. An.d from the brief and generalized description, my imagination created an interesting art design. Enjoy

Category: 2011, Fantasy

About the Author ()

Hi Gang!! Here I am for my third go around with this art challenge. I have high hopes to finish with at least 30 new characters this year. Last year"s schedule was hectic for me, so I only did 16 drawings. And while that number doesn't count it here; it does mean I already have a dozen characters waiting in the wings, simply because I didn't have the time to draw them out. Onward and upward!!! There seems to be a few new things happening this year: there are a lot of people who started early, and a lot of them are damn good. This latter should encourage all of us to churn out better characters and art as the challenge wears on. Good luck to us all.

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