#6 Kihalo The Dealer of Secrets
Kihalo is an goddess worshiped in the world of Elhi.Long ago during the First Age she discovered the true name of  Dorosyn,god of Chaos, and bargained it away to his daughter Eris in exchange for the knowledge of her heart’s desire.She used this to leverage the ways of Creation from the Wise One Turyn and traded that to Mungul,The First God of the Orcs, so that he could have a race in his own image.What Mungul traded to her has been lost to the ages though radical theologians point out that Kihalo’s daughter Yethrin appears in the world not long after this deal is struck.This is usually met with derision,and the occasional fist from followers of Kihalo and Mungul.
Kihalo trades in information.She doesn’t care how trivial it seems,or useless it is to her,she knows someone will pay dearly for it.Kihalo trades fairly,always taking from supplicants a secret that is just as important as the one she gives.She also doesn’t care what is done with the information,whether it leads the person into redemption or dooms an entire civilization to ruin.In the end it all leads to new secrets for her to trade.