Day # 7 – Terrance Tsui
Terrance Tsui, professional athlete, and pyrokinetic. Not entirely separate parts of his life either. The newest trend since the rise of the “superhumans” is MMA inspired matches where combatants beat on each other until the judges declare a winner, and they are of course allowed any means nessisary. Not every affect “superhuman” needs participate in fact it’s discouraged. Only those who have the pedigree of professional athletes, as well as the durability of a tank. It’s not a sport for the faint of heart, although superhuman healers are definitly it’s biggest asset. Terrance is obviously a firestarter, and one of the top contenders. He enjoys the sport for the sports sake unconcerned about the dangerous political undertones. He’s actually quite a composed guy, very neutral in regards to the brewing revolution. Though it won’t be long until he’s forced to take a side.
Category: 2011, Superhero, Uncategorized