#8 Queen Persephone
Again only a sketch, I#m not feeling good today.
Today I tried to draw Persephone, queen of the netherworld and ruler of spring as well. She was an important NPC in a pen&paper RPG I took part and because of that I tried to stick to our game masters drawing style a little. I failed, to be honest ^^° Her dress will be black and green and it was described dfferent than the one I’ve drawn, but I thought it would be nice to draw one based on greek fashion.
Persephone is a responsible, sometime “mind twisted” queen, but she will always keep her word. She believes in the loyality of the children of Nyx, the inhabitants of the netherworld (mostly deathspirits like Thanatos, Ker, Charon, …), but she had to learn, that they are loyal to their duties and nothing else.
That’s all so far, see you tomorrow
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