#11 – Peanut Riddle

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments

#11 – Peanut Riddle

Especially feared by those allergic to peanuts, Peanut Riddle makes it his goal to terrorize holiday party attendees. Using his special raygun, the Brittilizer, he can transform almost any substance into an easily breakable and tasty treat.

His joy of using riddles and questions when dealing with foes make him a confusing nemesis. While not actually part of the Holiday Hellions, Peanut Riddle still seeks to avenge the fallen holiday foodstuffs each Christmas Season.

His favorite riddle?

“ What’s sweet, crunchy, and just knocked you out? My fist you pathetic human!”

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Category: 2011, Humor

About the Author ()

I'm a writer and comic book fan who attends East Coast conventions regularly. As a father of three, I find myself juggling being a father, a breadwinner, a publisher, and a writer. With the tiny bit of time I have left over from those four areas, I enjoy helping others get their books and stories out of the desk drawer and into the world.

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