#11 – Tessy Tantrum

| November 11, 2011 | 3 Comments

I think this one is my favorite so far. 🙂 A little twist on the Hulk’s ‘the madder he gets, the stronger he gets’ mantra. What if the anger didn’t make a person stronger; only BIGGER…? A fun character to whip up. Hope you dig it!


Category: 2011, Humor, Scifi, Superhero

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  1. sencarnacion says:

    This is awesome. All of your characters are great. Any chance you are from Kansas like these characters are? I live in Kansas, just a couple hours south of Kansas City.

  2. Listerart says:

    Nope, I’m kinda close though – about 175 miles east in Jefferson City. Most superheroes seem to live in the huge cities like New York (or Metropolis, Gotham City, etc.) so why not a smaller city? As I see it, heroes can come from anywhere, right? It was a toss up between KC and St. Louis. 🙂 Glad you’re digging the work; thanks for the compliments! More to come!

  3. bravepigeon says:

    Nothing wrong with a bit of love for the smaller major cities. 😉 I’m going to college in Kansas City myself.

    Love the character, haha. I like the kind of old-school comic vibe you have going on here… even with the naming!

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