Thrashy Leonardo

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments
Reckless Junk Biker

Daring and alluring dirt punk.


Leonardo is the most dangerous man on two wheels in America, at least to himself.  Raised in the third most watched trick bike family as rated by TBS, “Thrashy” has become an international legend.

“Those bastards tried to hold me back, ya see, but they can’t stop ME jumping hogs!”

Leaving the safety of the family bike derby atmosphere, Thrashy has gone on the become a one man act.  Averaging less than three wrecks a day now has become Leo’s claim to fame.

“Like, so, I just took that thing, and jumped over that thing over there.  Have you ever seen anything like it?  Erp… uh, I’m gonna go lay down for a minute.”

Category: 2011, Drama, Fantasy, Humor, Steampunk

About the Author ()

Illustration and graphic design as career goals is evident through the massive amount of work I have been producing in the last few years. The entire focus and purpose of my life since 2006 has been a progression of moving my career into the illustration fields, and specifically the sequential art illustration field. Living in Portland I learned what sacrifices it takes to make a serious career out of illustration and design. For four years I have been self-publishing multiple zine and comic titles, doing 24 Hour Comics whenever possible, and tabling at cons in cities all over the Northwest and Widwest American States including Washington, Oregon, and Colorado. My career history involves a over a decade in successful business management, and so eventually it is my goal to be a project manager for a graphic design firm, or editor for a comic book company, with attention always to penciling jobs when available. It is my ongoing goal to pencil daily, render for at least three hours. - J.

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