Day 13 and 14 – Stitches (Left) And Needles (Right)

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments


Goodness, I wish I had more time to outline these two. Ah well. They are both mutilated dolls, as you can see they are the flip flop of each others colors. They once had big eyes, but they were removed because of how scary they were to the child. They also took off the hands and attached claws, replacing the eyes with buttons. But no matter what, they always loved each other.

Category: Manga

About the Author () Uh. Im a total noob to this place so please dont yell at me if I do something wrong...;; Perhaps kindly correct me? Im not sure...*timid* But anyways! Im a sixteen year old girl hoping to get through this all the way! Ive wanted to find something like this for quite awhile~! So wish me luck! OH! Im also a complete anime artist. So you will be seeing many sexy men lol. Unless I actually come up with a girl. Haha!

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