#16 Johnny Speed and the Midnight Dragons
#16 Johnny Speed and the Midnight Dragons (manga and fantasy horror) The year 2012 isn’t the year that the world ends. However, the Earth populated by dragons does make the world scene interesting. From space they came, dragons of every size and description, and they descended on Earth in the thousands. Most of the dragons create chaos and destruction; but a few have befriended the humans.  Johnny Speed, a high schooler, is one of these. With him and the dragons he has known the human race has a chance to survive into the future.
Johnny and his dragon friends are another example of my exploration with Internet name generators. As I’ve said in earlier posts, I find the best results from those generators is to take the hackneyed answers, cut them up, and rearrange them into better titles/ideas. This post looked like it would be better in a manga/anime style.