#20 Zombie (aka “Z-Man”)

| November 20, 2011 | 0 Comments

Zombie was formerly a magician and illusionist. Faking his own death many who do recognize him believe that he has risen from the grave in an unnatural manner.  Now using his skills of illusion, slight of hand, and stealth he and Burn-Out work to solve mysteries and combat the criminal element.


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Category: 2011, Steampunk, Superhero

About the Author ()

Jesse Kiefer at your service. I am a full time elementary art teacher in Nebraska. I teach grades K-5 for 2 schools. In my free time I'm a martial arts instructor, and I try to update a webcomic at http://www.tankmonkeycomic.com. You can find me on twitter @jessekiefer and on Faceboook http://www.facebook.com/vorpalarrow

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