#21 Duarte (Team Leader of DR 809)

| November 21, 2011 | 1 Comment

The name was taken from one of the Dominican Republic’s founding fathers, Juan Pablo Duarte.

Duarte(pronounced Due-ar-te)  is the team leader of DR(Direct Response)809, The Dominican Republic’s first team of superheroes created and financed by the Dominican government. As team leader, Duarte has a confident demeanor towards his teammates and is willing to be the voice of reason in situations and is able to take charge on the field.

His real name is Manuel Acevedo Disla.

Height:6’0 Weight:230 lbs. Age:32


Duarte’s abilities are in the suit itself as far as his powers. He possesses super strength, an invisible force field, and has quick reflexes.


Strong, confident, sometimes overprotective,etc.

Category: 2011, Superhero

About the Author ()

Just an artist creating a large amount of artistic things in a world of possible destruction.

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  1. G.R. says:

    Great character design and story! I like him!

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