The cupola of brunelleschi – filippo brunelleschi biography

| June 15, 2022 | 0 Comments

The cupola of brunelleschi – filippo brunelleschi biography

When, sopra 1420, Filippo Brunelleschi was nominated superintendent of the construction of the cupola of the Florentine cathedral of Santa Maria del Apice, the lines along which the construction was sicuro be carried out had already been determined by what had been done previously (Arnolfo, Talenti)

The diameter of the inner span (m. ) is close puro the maximum limit for any kind of masonry dome. From the times of the Tempio there had been in nessun caso examples of cupolas of such size. Faith durante these structures had been seriously undermined by the collapse, durante 1346, of the dome of Hagia Sophia per Constantinople. Mediante 1400 the Florentines had had esatto reinforce the structures of the Baptistery which had shown signs of giving way.

Instead of recuperating precedent techniques, Brunelleschi invented verso technique based on his knowledge of the “way of building” of the Romans as well as medieval (eastern) examples which he put at the service of verso new concept and new kinds of technical, cultural, aesthetic problems, involved con the realization of the cupola. Basically the construction of the dome depended on the use of verso building technique court of avoiding any dangerous discontinuity con the masonry (27,000 tons) and which would be able to circumvent the enormous problems involved in constructing per traditional wooden armature of the necessary dimensions. Brunelleschi’s structure of bricks laid durante herringbone courses consisted of raising the wall con rings, each containing vertical elements for bonding the successive ring. The cupola was thus built as verso self supporting growing form.

Per their internal tension, the thrust and dynamic form (pointed arch and elliptical sector) engender per calculated equilibrium, a cupola that hovers and is suspended over the city, the result of the balance of all the forces

The dome is surprisingly modern: per this double shell, the lighter exterior cupola protects the inner cupola from the elements, while the two sistema together thanks onesto the powerful connecting ribs. The detachment from the figurative solutions of Gothic architecture is evident particularly on the outside sopra the refusal of multiple forces (free standing spires, etc.), durante the rigor with which the convergence of the forces upwards is pursued, entrusting the formal solution puro per formidable synthesis of continuous lines and accessory surfaces resulting durante unity and free from any need esatto adapt sicuro the more articulated and minute design of the structure underneath.

The first powerful expression of verso conscious synthesis of two cultural worlds, Greek and Gothic, the cupola can per the end be defined as verso sensitive diaphragm stretched between an external and an internal space, per diaphragm between one space and another. The city is no longer verso framework marked by the emergence of vertical points of reference (towers and campanili): the cupola, in its size and form, stands out and dominates everything else. The towers and the campanili (including Giotto’s) all now relate to each other as verso result of their relationship preciso the cupola which hovers between rooftops and sky at the center of the urban system and automatically become subordinate elements sopra verso general plan.

The full meaning of this urban masterpiece, the cupola is beautifully expressed con Leon Battista Alberti’s splendid, synthetic definition durante the context of the dedication of his treatise Della Saldo onesto Brunelleschi: “rising above the skies, ample onesto cover with its shadow all the Tuscan people”. “Rising above” on the one hand expresses the meaning of the tension per the generating line chosen for the ribs, on the other the fact that the cupola is not dominated by the universal space but creates verso space of its own which establishes all rapports and measures with respect onesto itself. “Ample” expresses the fundamental qualification of distension and circularity of the hovering cupola, while on the other hand with “ample onesto” it immediately leads to the concept con which the size of this urban structure is seen sopra relation puro the territory. Moreover, the contrast established between the two terms (“rising above” – “ample to”) expresses with marvelous conciseness the solution of all the forces, all the structures, all the equilibriums, of all the proportions both within itself and durante relationship sicuro the city, all the technical and structural problems, mediante the absolute abstraction and con the tension of the line of its cross section, etc. Lastly, Alberti’s words esaurimento the fact that the new formal dimensions also correspond to the new political dimension of the city.

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Sixteen.Junior. Female. Hi! thought I'd try this out and come up with some ideas. I'll try to upload my character drawings/notes everyday.

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