Author Archive: Janine Frederick
Hi! I'm Janine.
I'll keep this short and sweet, which for me, is not easy - So, I'll make a bulleted list just to be different and annoying. Ready? No? Too effing bad... here i go:
• was born in 1979,
• am married to an aspiring comic artist - but he's busy penciling a story,
• will be doing my own character sketches this month - I apologize in advance for their crappiness,
• work for a University,
• used to work for the government... fuck those bastards,
• went to culinary school,
• like guns
• was a child actress,
• still have the maturity level of a 5 -year old,
• want to know what Marcellus Wallace looks like,
• like horror movies and action movies,
• like to make horror movies with her friends,
• like to read comics that fuck up my world and shake my soul... and are fun,
• write comics,
• competed in Zuda,
• will take over the world and turn small countries into amusement parks,
• will eventually own a medieval catapult,
• did your mom,
• like erotica,
• LOVE chocolate cake,
• could survive on movie theater popcorn for approximately 3 weeks,
• would die from approximately 9 shots of tequila, in a 2-hour timeframe.
Follow me on twitter: J9Naimoli
My Facebook security is set really high, but you can friend request me here:
#3 Mitch the Mannequin
Yeah – I know… I’m behind on my characters and it’s only the first week. That’s because I’ve been packing for a trip and pulling overtime at work AND writing a script for a comic i recently pitched. So… been busy. I’ll be posting #4 and #5 as soon as I can, when i have wifi, after the airplane lands.
Anyway – Character #3 is Mitch the Mannequin. Mitch spends his days and nights hanging out in the men’s department at Macy’s. He’s an excellent salesman and always knows how to show off the latest fashions.  Even though the bra mannequins in the intimate apparel section find him to be rude arrogant, commenting that it seems like he’s always got a stick up his ass, he’s actually really nice, once you get to know him.  He’s just quiet, that’s all.
#2 – Elephantitis Ed
Elephantitis Ed is an older man, in his 60’s. He has HUGE BALLS. HUGE. They drag on the floor. He also has a very large growth on his neck that appears to connect his shoulders to his face. His superpower is the ability to wield his testicles like a wrecking ball.Â
This is one of five characters in a 3-page action/humor comic I wrote, called Terminally Super!, which is about four terminal patients wielding their illness-induced superpowers to save their hospital wing from the EVIL head nurse.
 Disclaimer: I’m a writer… i can’t draw.
#1 – Mindy: the pregnant chick at the dance club
It is my pleasure to present Mindy: the pregnamt chick at the dance club.
About 5 monhts ago, Mindy left her apple-tini on the bar so she could go on the dance floor with her friends. After grooving and grinding to “I Like to Move It, Move It” with some random guy, she got thirsty. She went back to the bar and spotted her drink… still sitting there.  She chugged it down and ran back onto the dancefloor to grind on some other random guy to “Dancing Queen”. Then, she blacked out.  You would think it would bother Mindy when she woke up 14 hours later, half naked, bent over a dumpster, and pregnant. Instead, Mindy decides to ignore that completely and continues to wear her tight club clothes to the bar so she can grind on random men.
Mindy doesn’t believe in maternity clothes. She feels that there is nothing wrong with pants that are so tights they cut off the circulation to your vagina. While Mindy is careful not to drink or smoke while she is with child, she doesn’t see anything wrong with “percolating” on the dance floor, in hopes that she can attract a guy who’s willing to get freaky, later on that night.
PS: I’m a writer - I can’t draw. This is the best i can do. Don’t say I didnt warn you! 😉
30 Characters Challenger: Janine Frederick
Hi! I’m Janine.Â
I’ll keep this short and sweet, which for me, is not easy – So, I’ll make a bulleted list just to be different and annoying. Ready? No? Too effing bad… here i go:

- Â was born in 1979,
- Â am married to an aspiring comic artist – but he’s busy penciling a story,
- Â will be doing my own character sketches this month – I apologize in advance for their extremely crappy crappiness,
- Â work for a University,
- Â used to work for the government… fuck those bastards,Â
- am an auxiliary police officer (3 months of kickass academy training and hundreds of volunteer hours),
- Â went to culinary school,
- Â like guns,
- could kill you in 15 seconds,
- Â was a child actress,
- Â still have the maturity level of a 5 -year old,
- Â want to know what Marcellus Wallace looks like,
- Â like horror movies and action movies,
- Â like to make horror movies with my friends,
-  like to read comics that fuck up my world and shake my soul… and that are fun,
- am a card carrying member of  the Creator’s Workshop at The Comics Experience,Â
- Â write comics,
- Â competed in Zuda,
- Â will take over the world and turn small countries into amusement parks,
- Â will eventually own a medieval catapult,
- Â did your mom,
- Â like erotica,
- Â LOVE chocolate cake,
- Â could survive on movie theater popcorn for approximately 3 weeks,
- Â would die from approximately 9 shots of tequila, in a 2-hour timeframe.

Follow me on twitter:Â @J9Naimoli
My Facebook security is set really high, but you can friend request me here:Â
#30Characters Chatter…