Tag: Introductions
Hello from Greg Giordano!
Hi everyone- I’m Greg Giordano, AKA, FLAMEAPE. I’m an artist from Burlington, VT and this is my 2nd 30 Characters Challenge. I’m getting started late due to a 2 week stint in the hospital, but I sketched allot of characters while on my back- so I’ll be posting my first 10, catching up and moving forward! Great to see all the cool posts- looks like I’m in good creative company.

2011 Challenger: David “Slade” Hayes

yeah, the hat is a bit large for a trilby
So, here I am, poised to start (looking snazzy… oh wait, I’m supposed to be drawing. mmm. dang)
Some things about me? mmm. Live in Norther California, been alive for 30 years now (yeah, that’s the face of a 30 year old…), don’t drink (well, I’ve tried drinking, and it’s not really my thing. Tea or coffee for me, please.), and loved anime and manga before it was mainstream (yeah, it makes me sound like a hipster… though I’m not). Better yet, it was my mom that got me into a love for Japan in generall… which is kinda sad that I still haven’t really learned Japanese yet (picking up little bits here and there, but not enough yet)
Aside from that, I love creating characters. For this round, I think I’m going to concentrate on populating a couple of my story ideas.
While I still have to load new art, you can find my Deviant Art here: SladeXIII
2011 Challenger: Lorenzo Bonilla
Hello, my name is Lorenzo Bonilla. I am a dual graduate at Westwood and Columbia College in Chicago. I am an aspiring cartoonist/animator with heavy emphasis on illustration, sequential art, and character design.
My own experience comes from working on several indie comic projects and freelance work. I worked on a published book called Beef O’ Keefe’s Guide to Irish Drinking Games and am attached to storyboard an upcoming television series pitch. I also am a founder and Organizer for my own Chicago Comic Creators group, where we are in production for an comic anthology entitled The Anthology of Interest, which will debut my childhood comic idea, Blazer the Raptor. I also have two comic projects in the works called Loman, an Occult Task Force series, and Moonbebes, a comic I did during last year’s 24 Hour Comic Book day Challenge.
I was introduced to the 30 Character Challenge from a news post on Newsarama, and upon reading it, I became interested in participating. I went to the site, which indeed does have loading issues, as I have tried to post to be put on the newsletter and met with failure. Until this year, when I successfully signed onto the newsletter and received my first newsletter from Tyler James. Before doing the challenge, I do my own personal challenge in October where I draw monsters from myth, legend, folklore, and literature.This challenge interests me because I like the idea behind, creating characters in an industry, like America for example, that is obstinate or stubborn to change or develop new ones while other countries like Japan and Europe, go through practically a randomizer generator of character creation content. Plus, it gives me a chance to belt out and flesh out ideas and concepts for characters I have lying around for the purpose of this site.
I am a fan of superhero, horror, and action comics. I read and research obsessively online for articles of interest and I am a fan of cartoons, anime, wrestling, and movies. I listen to a mix of metal, alternative, classical, and industrial music like Nine Inch Nails, Gojira, Alic in Chains, Daft Punk, and Tool.Some titles I like in no particular order, The Dresden Files, Green Lantern, The Flash, Iron Man, Nova, American Gods, and StormWatch.
If you want to see what to expect from me, you can check out my website at www.lorenzobonilla.com, my deviant art profile at emeraldfury.deviantart.com, and my talenthouse profile at talenthouse.com/labsite. They all pretty much have the same content, as I upload all sites at once for consistency.
In closing, I look forward to participating with the 30 Character Challenge. I like to thank Tyler James for starting up such a challenge and I hope to make it to the end.
Thank you,
Lorenzo Angel Bonilla
My name is Andrew. I’m 35, married, and a stay at home Dad. I went to college in Grand Rapids Mi and got a BFA (Big Funkin’ Art Degree) with a focus on Sculpture and Ceramics, but have spent the last 11 years teaching myself the craft of sequential art. I’m with a group of cartoonists here in Ft Wayne called Summit City Ink [summitcityink.blogspot.com]. We Drink, we draw, we watch crappy movies on Netflix, and we’ve put together a small but growing convention here in town. [www.summitcitycomiccon.com].
I love the art of comics, and have so since fifth grade when I started reading Garfield and Calvin and Hobbes. I love adventure comics like Tintin and Gottfredson’s Micky Mouse. I love real life comics like American Splendor and Maus. I can’t begin to list all the manga I have and what I’ve read and what is yet to be read.
I guess it’s safe to say I have a passion for just ink lines on paper.
==:> )
2011 Challenger: Zachary Turnipseed
Hi! I’m Zack, otherwise known as Anderjak.
As my profile states, I’m a recent graduate at UTD, moving on to either enter preproduction in storyboarding or character design, OR put out my very own small number of various comic book projects.
I’ve tried a few of these challenges and, for one reason or another, responsibilities always get in the way. Blame it on bad timing or unfortunate circumstance — or just plain laziness at times, if you’d like — but I’m always kicking myself for never finishing.
I’d like to finally get through one this year. This one APPEARS to be manageable, provided ideas come with some ease, but we’ll just see. Here’s to hoping.
#30Characters Chatter…