Tag: Luca Bell

#15 Luca Bell

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Corruption ran through the streets of the once great city of Highacre. It was now a place of crime, murder and things even fouler still. Luca Bell, head of the local crime family was the cause of this. He had control of the police department, the local papers, all the business and bars in the city paid him a share of their profits for ‘protection’. No one could get to him; any who tried didn’t last long. He was untouchable, or so he thought.

Luca couldn’t control the cruel twist of fate that was dealt to him. Luca was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He had six months to live. Word got out quickly; every local two-bit crook thought now was their time to make a play at the big time. Luca wasn’t guna be around much longer someone had to step into take his place. Luca was damned if he was going to let anyone replace him.

Dark and other worldly things where always rumored to be going on in the dead of night somewhere in Highacre. Luca hoped one rumor was true. He had his most loyal men out searching the streets for this myth. Three months had passed and nothing, Luca was growing weaker and more enraged as the days passed.

In the end the myth came to him. Through the doors from Luca’s balcony came the man he needed. He had no name he’d long since forgot it, he simply went by Mr B. now. Sinking his teeth into the neck of Luca, he damned him and saved him in one moment.

Looking into the eyes of Mr B. Luca asked what would happen now? Mr. B grinned, his sharp fangs showing. He explained that Luca was now immortal, free to control the city, as he had been, that now he was a vampire he would be stronger then ever before. All Mr B. asked for in return was control of the east side of Highacre, where the hospital and blood bank where. Luca agreed and thus the two vampires formed a fragile alliance.

Luca sort out all those who had wished him dead so they could take his place, finding them in the night, devouring those who didn’t beg enough and only maiming those who said the right things. Ruling the city now with an even tighter grip Luca longs to discover what other myths of Highacre are true his new bodyguard, the ex boxer Mike Grell, has proven werewolves to be true.

The world of the supernatural seems to go hand in hand with the crime world.