Tag: Ozzie

2012 Returning Challenger: Natalia M (Ozzie Scribbler)

| October 31, 2012 | 0 Comments

First off, I participated last year and never finished the challenge. Having a major art block and struggling to keep my pace I eventually didn’t publish past my first two characters, although having a few more, even if mostly rushed designs.

My name is Natalia MaÅ‚achowska, I’m 22 and a recent art school graduate from Szczecin, Poland. On the Internet I’m consistent with nick Ozzie Scribbler, so if you stumbled upon such username, it was most certainly me.
I’m a huge cartoon and comic geek, though pretty lazy when it comes to my own art. That’s why I’m hoping to use this month as an opportunity for some self-growth.

For all interested, I post some of my art on deviantArt and share my thoughts on various matters on Tumblr. Feel free to check them out.

Good luck for all the challengers this year!

Sincerely yours, Ozzie