Tag: sports

#6 – Fly Ball

| November 6, 2010 | 0 Comments

This insect has a fairly tame flight pattern: vertically up 100 feet, then vertically down, generally landing in a leather woven nest. This organism shares a subphylum with the pop fly as well as the much more complicated and confusing infield fly. The fly ball has a speedy enemy known as the center-fielder. While the it does not generally eat the fly ball, the center-fielder will return the fly ball back to it’s original habitat, a dirt mound.

#5 – The Mad Batter

| November 5, 2010 | 0 Comments

Looking to abandon his wacky life up in Wonderland, The Mad Hatter decided to take up America’s Pastime and join the New York Yankees. He appeared to straighten up his life with a few batting titles, but after a several years under Steinbrenner Rule, Hatter lost his marbles again and left the team. Cherishing the look of the Yankee pinstripe, Hatter stole his grandfather’s pyjamas and started to wonder Middle America’s sandlots and cornfields in search of the ultimate ball game.

#4 – Chrys “la” Crosse

| November 4, 2010 | 1 Comment

Chrys Crosse attends Florida University on a lacrosse scholarship by day and fights crime by night. Armed with a mini-catapult, a backpack full of Indian Rubber balls and Olympic Track speed, she easily takes down the criminals of Northern Florida. As the crime rate dips, something eerie and strange is brewing in the Everglades…. Will Chrys be able to up her  game to defend her school?

#3 – Pigskin Hogschomp

| November 3, 2010 | 0 Comments

This little critter has an unusual shape, however has the ability to fly gracefully through the air. Pigskin possesses an unpredictable ground attack if dropped or left to bounce. He has a gnarly bite, which can cause a receiver to drop him instantly. Having a distinct dislike for Northern United States zoo animals, it is no wonder the Detroit Lions have yet to win a Super Bowl.

#2 – The Post

| November 2, 2010 | 0 Comments

Watch out for this stump. He’ll flip-flop on a friend in an instant. Sometimes he’ll save a goal, other times, he’ll help the puck get by the goalie. Don’t let a change of sport fool you. Post will show up in football and steal a field goal. He’ll show up in baseball and push a home run foul. He can be vertical, horizontal, red, white, yellow. The Post is very crafty. You can use him all you want, but NEVER TRUST THE POST!

#1 – Captain Composite

| November 1, 2010 | 2 Comments

Hockey players have abandoned the traditional lumber in favor of the modern, high-tech carbon composite stick. So has the pirate Captain Composite. A peg-leg no more! He is prone to head shots (wouldn’t you like to knock that bucket off his head?) and gets called for “hooking” penalties quite often. CapComp is great at pestering goalies as he “anchors” himself in front of the net. He appears to be in play-off mode at all times with that shaggy facial hair hanging off him.