Character #29

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

This is the fan, Denny. She’s a 17 year old high school student. She is shy and has no friends. She was obsessed with Kpop and Asian music especially with Dae-Ho. He was going to go on tour in the US and she had been saving all of her money just to buy a ticket, however, her sister spent it all out on alcohol and stuff so she couldn’t go. Desperate to see her crush, she went to the concert venue to try to sneak in, or even see his face. She saw him went she stepped out of her sister’s car,  with keys in hand, though. ALL of him. The Kpop star was escaping from the venue, naked (his clothes had trackers on them) and she fainted. She woke up in her car’s passenger seat to see Dae-Ho fully clothed (he robbed a clothing store with her sister’s gun that he found in the glove compartment) and eating ice cream in the driver’s seat. He apologized for spending her money and using her car. She found out that he wasn’t who he said he was and that he was in fact blackmailed into being a Kpop star. She invited him over to her place, watched him chop off his dyed strawberry blonde hair and begged him to stay and help him. She learnt that he was not even close to how he was portrayed publicly but didn’t mind who he was…


Category: 2011, Drama, Humor, Manga

About the Author ()

A Trinidadian girl who likes to draw and write stories. I love creating original characters so this will be fun for me. It will also give me a chance to be creative :D Tumblr:

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