Tag: blackout

Character No. 7- David Stone

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

I was trying to draw Anti-Riot Gear, but he ended up looking like a TMNT impersonator. Sigh...







Name: David Stone

Age: 40

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Former Police Officer/Vigilante/Revenge Seeker

Short Backstory:
Dt. David Stone was once a member of an elite police task force. When a mission went wrong and left his team killed, the police assumed it was an inside job. As the sole survivor, David was branded a traitor and put in jail for the crime. Now, after five years in prison, David knows who really killed his team and will go to any means to get revenge.

Unfortunately, the city suffered a major black out before he got the chance to get revenge. Now stranded in the prison with several criminals that hate his guts, David Stone has to survive so that he can gain revenge.

He spends a lot of time in prison so he only really wears one outfit, or a variation of that outfit. When the blackout occurs, he will fight and suffer a lot of damage, but will eventually get his hands on some anti-riot gear.