Author Archive: IsaiahStephens
Isaiah Stephens here. I am an Artist and Animator from Massachusetts.
This is my first year doing this!! Needless to say, I am very excited!!! I really can't wait to see what comes out of this project. My birthday is November 13th! So, Expect something EPIC for that day!!
Looking forward to this challenge!
30.The Stocklosa Gang
I have no idea where these three came from in my head. I dont know who they are, or what they do, but they are mine! and i love them!!!
29. Maks Landen
Maks is my main character to my novel that im working on!
I drew his sister Aliss on day 13 of the challenge, go check her out!!
25. Jet Jones
I have no idea what my superhero craze has been lately! they just keep coming out of my sketches !
Anyway . . . here is Jet Jones! He’s very Fast!
Day 15. Dr. Han and the Obbo’s
I imagine that the very prude, uptight Dr. Han is a mean but brilliant scientist.
One day in his lab he accidentally creates these three blobs of life that he names Obbo’s
Belligerent yet protective, Lou.
Happy go lucky and clumsy, Tad.
And loveable yet naive, Beau.
I think that these four would be very fun to work with!
Day 14. The “C” Dude
This guy is obviously inspired by one of my favorite late night show hosts “Conan O’Brien”!!
Day 13. MY BIRTHDAY!!! Alisson Landen
Aliss landen is a pyro forger from my novel project that i am currently writing. She and her twin brother, Maks, dont exactly see eye to eye on many things, but they are both supportive and protective of each other all the same! This particular Aliss, is inspired by a scene in the 3rd book (which i’ve yet to write, lol) and takes place at Ullman Academy’s Semaj Ball.
I love the writing process when it comes to creating my own characters. finding out who has inspired you to create them. Finding out how much of you is in fact inside them. Writing and creating are my absolute favorite things to do! If i can do them for the rest of my life and somehow manage to live comfortably, then i would be able to die a very happy man!
Day 12. Lady Valentine
I’m not too happy with this one :/
oh well. We are bound to create some of those. . .right :/
Day 11. Rudy
Sorry for the technical difficulties folks. I missed yesterday because of computer problems 🙁
but i’m back!!! so, here we go!
An obvious play on Rudolph the red nosed reindeer! I have to confess, i technically started this drawing a while ago. but i have been working on it for a while! i think i can call it done now!
Day 8. Maddie Pearl
This character was actually the brain child of a friend of mine. I drew this from her description of her and im really digging it!
Day 6. Bobby 5.0
This guy i guess is inspired by Johnny 5, from the movie “Short Circuit”.
I figured he could be compared to a kid version of Johnny. Same personality, same character, different robot! lol
Day 5. Scorpio
I had a lot of trouble coming up with something today :/
But i ended up with this
This is agent scorpio!
Let me know what you think 🙂
Frank and Mindy

Frank and Mindy
I imagine Frank being this totally lovable, but completely clumsy and destructive alien monster that Mindy created in her secret laboratory! Mindy is probably a very shy girl who only opens up with Frank.
Frank and Mindy probably get into a lot of trouble together, as good friends tend to do.
Akando the boy Warrior!!
4 hour photoshop drawing!! I am actually loving this guy, i think i may use him in the future!!!
Hoogie Blue
Here is my first character!!
Hoogie Blue, the elephant!!!
I hope you like him! Thoughts 😕
#30Characters Chatter…