Search Results for 'beausephus'

Epilogue – 30 Characters in 30 Days 2011

| November 30, 2011 | 1 Comment

So…the final entry…

30 characters in 30 days.

I really learned a great deal about what I want out of my own style and creative outlets, but I also received so much great feedback and support from the inspiration comments from so many great folks and just the talent that this contest unleashed into my world… this is why the interent is so mazing….all of these amateur artists and creators getting a wide audience to just show our little corner of the artistic universe in one place.

Thank you so much to everyone who stopped by and checked out my work and I cannot express how muc it meant ot me and my son to read all of the great things those of you sent messages wrote.


So thank you to the organizers and iFanboy for reminding me to sign up, and to everyone else…much love…

– Beausephus



15 – Dr. Pinkbot by Beausephs+Son

| November 15, 2011 | 1 Comment





CONCEPT:  ”Dr. Pinkbot is a bad robot who was made into a good guy.  He makes swords and stuff like Green Lantern.”


So when the mood strikes my son (and that is quite often) and he wants to make up “superguys”, “superdudes”, “supermans”… I pull out a bunch of templates I made for him and he picks out everything from the style of boots to the color scheme of the various costume options presented before him.  I then draw quick sketch, and he edits, adds, etc…  I then draw up the character and he hangs them in his room…if they meet his ultimate judgement.  Then I make him come up with a story for each character.




DR. PINKBOT is another member of my kid’s superhero team- The Amazing Justice Squad of Superheroes.   The good doctor is actually an evil robot that was turned good by the heroes and ow he serves them as the “guy who fixes them up and makes their stuff for them.”  Dr. Pinkbot (whose credentials seem spotty at best given his title) also creates energy constructs a la Green lantern, but instead uses pink energy that he projects from his hands and eyes.  My son indicates that it was because his powers are pink that he was easy for the superheroes to beat and turn into a good guy.  My son is clearly going through the “pink is icky” stage, and yet, he likes Dr. Pinkbot more and more everytime he spins a superteam tale.


Thanks for checking out our stuff.  My son is really enjoying seeing his ideas on the computer.



#1 – Kid Lightning & Poppa Thunder

| November 1, 2011 | 2 Comments

And so it begins…

As I stated in my introductory post, I will be only posting redrawn images of characters I created in my youth or characters that I create with my 4-year old son.

To start things off, I proudly present, “KID LIGHTNING” and “POPPA THUNDER.”

Costumes are a big deal in my house.  My wife is a professional costume designer and can whip up a costume for a kid faster than you can even think of one.  So, we’re always coming up with great ideas for playtime costumes and especially Halloween.

The kid always has input and this year he essentially designed his own costume.  he traced his fingers on a piece of paper for “lazer gloves” and traced his swimming goggles for a superhero mask.  he colored everything orange and tried to draw thnderbolts like one of his favorite characters, The Flash.  I stepped in and he guided me through some drafts of drawing what would become Kid Lightning until he was pleased.  We passed it off to Mom who created a costume that he could wear as a Halloween get-up but also a year-round zip up fleece.  Awesome.

BUT…Kid Lightning wanted “helpers” so he came up with the name “Poppa Thunder” and the rest is very recent history.  And yes, the bottom image was taken just before Kid Lightning and Poppa Thunder headed off into the wild neighborhood in search of free candy from neighbors.