Tag: suite mafia

#20: Ge, Boss of Diamonds

| November 20, 2011 | 1 Comment

Day 20, Ge, the boss of Diamonds. The last of the Suite Mafia series. I’m thinking about keeping it just to “card gang”, because the word “mafia” is so strongly associated with conventions, and the story behind these guys really cannot follow those conventions without getting scrutinized, I think. Ge is the most deceptive one out of the four bosses. Using this to his advantage, he is also rarely seen, and the latter half of his first name is unknown.

He’s probably better than Felicia at his card games, and tricks, even. So their leisure games mostly end in one-sided arguments. Works alongside the rest of the card gang: Jack and Innes.


#19: Innes, Boss of Spades

| November 19, 2011 | 0 Comments

Day19, Innes, the boss of Spades. 3/4 in the Suite mafia. Collected middle-aged man. Had a rougher youth, but you don’t become the boss of the most powerful suite without being rough around the edges. Now that he’s mellowed out, they’re talking about replacing him….

Works alongside Felicia and Jack. The last one’ll be out tomorrow.


#18: Jack, Boss of Clubs

| November 19, 2011 | 1 Comment

Day 18, Jack, the boss of Clubs. Works alongside Felicia, as part of the Suite mafia. He likes his heels, lipstick, and a good cigarette. Kind of ran late with this one! Still going to finish up the “card gang” series in the next couple of days, I suppose. Process here.

#17: Felicia, Boss of Hearts

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

Felicia, the boss of Hearts. One of the four bosses of the Suite Mafia. Enjoys a good game of poker and a few head shots every once in a while. Other than that, he’s pretty subdued.

I’m sure you all get where this reference comes from. I decided to rework some ideas swimming in my head from long ago. I also like female names for older men.