09: Ubskyura

| April 12, 2013 | 0 Comments

Character Name: 

Brief Bio/Description:
Ubskyura: self-named fetish model and body artist. She has a history with several circuses, freak shows, and adult entertainment businesses. She doesn’t like speaking. She prefers people to know her based on what they see, how she moves, and what actions she takes. She tends to be a loner, but settles in to small groups easily, often letting her quiet, obscure mystique transform her into the center of attention. She does not believe in romance, exclusivity, monogamy, or virtually any other Christian-founded orthodox construct. Her reason for living is finding new ways to change, improve, and enjoy herself. This includes, but is not limited to: body modifications, piercings, plastic surgeries, orgies, and more alternative lifestyles than any single textbook lists.

Style Commentary:
Ubskyura was influenced, in part, by two amazing people I know. One, Skye Kearney (aka, Infamous Insomniac and Silver Coils) is an amazingly beautiful, versatile, non-conforming ball of awesome. She ignores standards and labels and does what she wants. Both her artwork and her modeling career have been tremendously inspirational to me, and I cannot express how lucky I count myself for getting to know her in person. The second, Ms. Azreal Robles (aka, WooshCookie) is an explosion of wonderful independent attitude combined with a love for classy things with interesting twists. She grabs life and makes it take her where she wants to go, and I admire her immensely for that! Both of these people also happen to have pretty radical hair – which I love <3

Publishing Note:
CC2012 entries 05-09 are SUPER LATE but I wanted to get them online anyway. I did them in November, but was unable to get them online due to life’s circumstances and general busy-ness from November until now.

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Category: 2012, Drama, Fantasy, Scifi

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