2011 Challenger: Igor Glushkin

| October 25, 2011 | 1 Comment

Hello everyone. I am a Graphic Designer by day practicing my skills at illustration by night. I am also very excited to be participating in the 30 Characters Challenge for the second time. Can’t wait to see a pool of creative talents displaying their work. Hope to have as much fund this year as I did last years 30 character Challenge.
Link to my work: igordesign23

Category: Uncategorized

About the Author ()

Born in the the former USSR, I was quickly transported to New York City at the age of 5 in 1978. Raised in NYC to stand apart and to believe in myself and my talents as an artist. I earned my Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Fashion Institute of Technology. A New Yorker @heart, currently living in the Mid-West.

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  1. G.R. says:

    Enjoying the inking and the action curve of this pose very much. I look forward to seeing more! πŸ™‚

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