Archive for October 28th, 2011

2011 Challenger: Josh Acocella

| October 28, 2011 | 0 Comments

I’m relatively new to the writing game being only a high schooler and my first year doing the challenge, but don’t count me out just yet. Over the next thirty days i want to develop an idea in pre-production and I’m hoping this gives me an opportunity to explode with creativity. Though I won’t be representing my characters through visual designs I hope to articulate them thorugh other ways such as: bios, appearance, and possibly a character interview. My goal is to immerse myself in a world of my design over the next thirty days and come up with 30 new characters and ideally 30 new stories.

2011 Challenger: Patrick Smith

| October 28, 2011 | 0 Comments

Greetings from the apocalyptic wasteland of New Jersey! My name is Patrick Smith and this is my first year tackling the 30 Character Challenge. I’m coming at this as a writer so I’m really going to try and come at each character in interesting ways to make your reading experience more enjoyable. Although if the mood takes me I might bust out the old sketchbook. Pray that doesn’t happen…trust me.

I am a staff writer over at Guerrilla Geek and I hope that working on characters here will be the push I need to get back into creative writing.  I’m also on the twitter @Pathasabeard where I write regurgitated movie Quotes and the occasional snarky comment.

I’m very much looking forward to pushing myself creatively and seeing what everyone else brings to the table. I hope that at the end of this to make some cool new friends and maybe some future collaborators!


2011 Challenger: Eadge

| October 28, 2011 | 2 Comments


Hello fellow Character Creators!

My name is Eddie Nieves but my friends call me Eadge. Please be my friend.

I’m a freelance artist/illustrator based out of Los Angeles. I’d never heard about the 30 Characters Challenge until a recent post on iFanboy by Paul Montgomery pointed it out to me. I’d heard of NaNoWriMo, the National Novel Writing Month Contest, which also takes place in November. I was thinking of doing that but this is a lot more appealing to me. That and Paul Montgomery is my hero.

I’m really excited to see what everyone comes up with.

Please feel free to check out my work here:

You can also follow me on Twitter @Eadgery

2011 Challenger: Dom Gazzuolo

| October 28, 2011 | 0 Comments

A year ago I wrote a comic book related post everyday (unpaid) on my blog titled, 365 Days of Comics. It was an interesting experienced during which I learned a few things about myself. I mainly learned that I’m a huge idiot.

Every day…what was I thinking? There were some days I had to fight time, Crank-style, just to get to on a computer and write a parody of “You Down With O.P.P.” about B.K.V. (Brian K. Vaughan), so that I would not miss a day. At the time it seemed important, but looking back I see that I was, in fact, a huge idiot. It wore on my mind and made me overly stressed about something that held no real significance.

Have you ever served at a busy restaurant? Some nights are so stressful that when you go home and get to sleep you have nightmares about stupid things like forgetting to get a refill on someone’s water or bringing over an extra ramekin of potsticker sauce (P.F. Chang’S). You would wake up and have to calm yourself by grabbing your hello kitty stuffed dolls close and remind yourself that it’s over, it doesn’t matter anymore…you’re safe. Stressing over if I was going to be able to write a thoughtful post everyday is a lot like stressing over if I brought extra lemon for a big spender’s water, the previous night. It’s over. It doesn’t matter anymore. I’m safe. Or so I thought…

When I saw this challenge to come up with 30 characters in 30 days my first reaction was, “no, not again!” But after a nice long cry in the shower, I began to think, “30 days…is that all?” There was something about those tears in the shower that turned me into one cocky bastard when it comes to anything that doesn’t challenge me for 365 days.

  • 117 days without sunlight…pssh! My sunglasses are broken anyway!
  • 238 dys of not being ble to use the letter “A”…hh, I lugh t the chllenge!
  • 7 days without BK. Okay…that’s different. I’m no savage. (Have it your way!)

30 days of anything…bring it on!

2011 challenger: Greg Martin

| October 28, 2011 | 0 Comments

Hi all, my real name is Greg but i prefer my ‘art name’ Selkirk. And just saw the contest-really looks cool and a good way to get some creativity going…looking forward to seeing what everyone is coming up with and hopefully i can complete the challenge :D. Good luck to everyone.

my website is my deviant page:  . Hasn’t been updated that often recently-hoping to change that with the challenge :D.

2011 challenger: Seskimo

| October 28, 2011 | 2 Comments

My real name is Sarah though go by a variety of nick names, most commonly Sez or Seski.

I’m from the UK (born England, currently living in Edinburgh, Scotland) and my current occupation is the rather boring job of Secretary.

A friend and fellow 30 day artist pointed me toward this challenge (Thomas P. Leahy). This will be my first year doing this. I currently have a couple of other art projects on the go, including trying to get my own webcomic up and running by the new year and participating in the 2012 ‘sketchbook project‘. I like the challenge of doing a picture a day, though I often suffer from what I call ‘shiny object syndrome’ so there is a high chance that some days will be missed! But I’m hoping to keep on track!
I tend to use a range of media, but I am probably best with pencils. Despite this, I tend to use digital media the most at the moment and so there will probably be a lot of CG’d pieces from me.
Here’s to the fun doodle-filled month ahead!

2011 Challenger: Sebastian Chow

| October 28, 2011 | 0 Comments

Howdy guys & gals,

Seb Chow here. I love to draw and love comics as a story telling medium. I’m thoroughly looking forward to the challenge and really hope I can complete it.

I’m trying to finish some comic ideas to either self publish or submit to a publisher. I had deadlined to have the first issue ready by the end of 2011 but I saw this challenge and had to take part!

I’m trying to become a jack of all trades and am learning to ink, colour and letter as well as pencil. I don’t have much on my deviant site  but feel free to have a gander.

Can’t wait to see all the posts and creative ideas. I have lots of character descriptions from guys at work (big thanks guys!).

Get those scribblin sticks a-moving!!

Seb 🙂



2011 Challenger: Jeremiah Spoon

| October 28, 2011 | 1 Comment

My name is Jeremiah Spoon. I’m am artist from El Paso, Texas. I’ve been producing digital environment animations for architects for several years and am now trying to move into character design and animation. I’m looking forward to the challenge and wish everyone the best of luck.

2011 Challenger: Thomas P. Leahy

| October 28, 2011 | 1 Comment

A baker by day, a doodler by night.

I’ve been on a year long (and more) love affair with the Inktense and Graphitint pencils from Derwent, they’ve lured me out of the world of greyscale sketching and pixels for some time now and given me a fiendish new lease of life. I’m drawing almost every day now and while I am eternally in the grip of bad habits, I’m enjoying the results. I am hoping this challenge will test me a little and encourage me to draw things I might not have otherwise attempted or considered.



I will be working with Inktense and Graphitint pencils (not forgetting the trusty water brush) almost exclusively for the challenge. If you are participating and also likely to be working wholly by pencil etc. I’d love to hear from you. I can see from some participant profiles so far that we’re going to be treated to some really great digital art, I hope I don’t let the pencil and paper team down too badly in providing some contrast. 🙂

My greatest danger is leaving a drawing until the evening and choosing to make my comfy bed the workspace… zzzZZZ.

(I’ll be celebrating my birthday on the 5th so I’ll be preparing a buffer on the 4th to cover my disappearance into London for the day. Bwah!)

Challenge fuel: Tea & Coffee

2011 Challenger: Casey Justice

| October 28, 2011 | 0 Comments

What’s up, gang? Casey here, and I’m gonna give this my damnedest shot! Many of my characters will likely be superheroes, but I’ll try to spice it up with some other genres.

As any attempts that I might make at “artwork” would rightfully be buried in a titanium vault so as to avoid the horror they could unleash on an unsuspecting world, I’ll just be presenting my characters in OHOTMU-style bios.

I warn you, however: There may be some verse. Tread carefully.

2011 Challenger: phee

| October 28, 2011 | 0 Comments

Well, I’m trying to scribble down a story anyways, so lets give this a shot. I’ll be mainly using biographical OHOTMU style descriptions, with occasioanl rough sketches, as I can’t draw worth a damn. I live and work in the UK and have grown up on a diet of Batman, Spidey and have a current love for all things 2000AD. So lets see how this influences my designs.

2011 Challenger: Josh Cherry

| October 28, 2011 | 0 Comments

I saw this and said “Hey why not!”  I think it will be a good exercise. I like making characters.

Here is a  website I made called Go there Enter any website and let Lloyd tell you about it.

2011 Challenger: Bree Smith

| October 28, 2011 | 1 Comment

2011 Challenger: Bree Smith
Starting in Sept. 2010 I created a challenge for myself call Here Be Batman where I posted a Batman related drawing everyday for a year. Unfortunately, I failed in this mission only reaching 260-something drawings of the 365.

Now it is time to redeem myself!

Hopefully by completing this challenge not only will I gain a levels in my crafting: art skill, but I will also finally put on paper some of these characters floating around in my head.

A little about me
By trade I am a teacher & web developer, but for fun I run Geekin’ Out.
Drawing has always been my first love about all other hobbies.
I’m a giant nerd who loves Batman, all things Jim Henson and the Wizard of Oz.

2011 Challenger: Paul Montgomery

| October 28, 2011 | 1 Comment

Hey, I’m iFanboy staff writer Paul Montgomery. I’m also the co-host of Fuzzy Typewriter, a podcast dedicated to story, storytellers, art and artists.

I’ve decided to take on the #30Characters Challenge for the first time this year…as a writer. Though my updates won’t include visual representations of my characters, I’ll attempt to showcase my creations through a variety of methods, from prose bios to journal entries to scripted interrogations. Hopefully I can explore a number of sub-genres as well, with characters suited to tales of science-fiction, crime, historical, slice-of-life, super heroics and more.

Excited to take on this project with such a talented bunch of creators and storytellers. Let’s break some legs!

2011 Challenger: Josh Jones

| October 28, 2011 | 0 Comments

Greetings, all. This is the first I’ve heard of this challenge, and I’m very excited to be a part of it, however insignificant my contributions may be.

I started a web comic a while back, but I ran out of steam after 120 or so. I still regret not having the motivation or confidence to keep going, so I’m hoping taking part in this challenge will rekindle my attitude and creativity.

You can find my old comic at and on twitter (@floodmud and/or @thejoshjones).

I’m looking forward to creating along with you, and can’t wait to see all the amazing work out there.

2011 challenger: Kim Biersted

| October 28, 2011 | 0 Comments



just sayiing hi to everyone. found this challenge due to so just for the hell of it, lets try it.

The monster Family piture

so about me, there’s not much to say. I just love drawing and have had a few courses in it.


2011 Challenger : Keith Knudsen

| October 28, 2011 | 0 Comments

Hello, I like this project and am just adding my measly contributions to the table!  I stopped drawing when I was a late teen and would like to see if I can improve on where I was then, 20 years ago 😛

2011 Challenger: Ruben Kaae

| October 28, 2011 | 1 Comment


My name is Ruben Kaae, I’m a artist from Denmark in Scandinavia. I’ve heard of the “30 Character Challenge” a few years ago, but this is the first time that I participate.

I have an animation background, but now I’m moving more into illustration, I’ve bin painting digitally for about 6 month now, and I love it. I’m also teaching drawing online.

I’m really looking forward to participating and creating some new characters + meeting like-minded artists in a new community.

You can find me on blogger.

Cya Ruben:)