2013 Challenger: Kristin Bowles
Here we go! This will be my third time attempting the 30CC! The first time around, I was far too busy and didn’t make a single post. Last year, I got about 30% complete. This year I’m hoping to pump up the achievement level and do the challenge in full!
Previous years’ intro posts: 2011 | 2012
So, what have I don’t since my last attempt? Here are the highlights:
 I guess I can summarize them by saying I’m getting slowly more comfortable with digital art while still enjoying pencil and pen – good old-fashioned drawing and sketching.
I’m trying to break away from my comfort zones this time around – I’ve been trying to experiment with more fantasy characters, especially anthropomorphic ones. So, hopefully this time around I’ll be producing a good variety of traditional and digital works that aren’t all pretty humans!
In closing, here’s a goofy comic I slapped together earlier this year, featuring none other than myself.
Category: 2013, About, Participants