30 Character Challenger Sam

| October 25, 2010 | 0 Comments

Sam is one of the founders of “WOC – World Of Comics”, the very first free school for comic arts, where young people learn for free how to go about making comics.

He’s himself an established and prized artist, but has found it easier to work as a full-time tutor in order to pay his bills, and has thus become a bit lazy in his artistic ventures.

So he decided to take the 30 character challenge to get a starting point in his new superhero comic project.

Sam lives in Munich, Germany – home of the world-famous Oktoberfest – together with his tomcat, High Hopes, in a shared flat. He loves cooking, movies, and writing about himself in the third person.

Examples of his work can be found here: http://www.worldofcomics.de/gall5.htm

May every participant be inspired by this challenge.

And thanks a lot to our hosts for giving this inspiration!

Category: About, Participants

About the Author ()

Sam is a prized comicbook artist from Germany. He is co-founder and head teacher of the first free school for comicbook arts (est. 2003), located in Munich, Germany.

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