Archive for October 25th, 2010
30 Characters Challenger: Caine Dorr
My name is Caine Dorr. Im a retail center manager by day and storyteller, creator of the PALADIN BRIGADE, by night.
Last year I answered the call of the #30Character challenge that Tyler let loose onto the internet side by side with #NanoWrimo. Needless to say, that didn’t go well. #30Characters won out.
I created APOLLO CITY with 30 characters who reside there (and even a third of a future ebook from the days I managed to participate in both November events).
I decided to participate again this year to expand and flesh out a new “pulp” style concept I’ve been toying with turning into a ebook, webcomic, or possibly even a podcast (more than likely there will be a little bit of all three in there).  It would most definitely fall into the “Dieselpunk” category and features four “adventure heroes” of different archetypes who live and operate within proximity of each other.
Sometimes the content posted here can take on a life of its own and jump right off the page. To that end, and because I want to be social with all of you, you can follow/contact me at different places on the internet listed under my secret web alias: BlaqueSaber
30 Character Challenger Sam
Sam is one of the founders of “WOC – World Of Comics”, the very first free school for comic arts, where young people learn for free how to go about making comics.
He’s himself an established and prized artist, but has found it easier to work as a full-time tutor in order to pay his bills, and has thus become a bit lazy in his artistic ventures.
So he decided to take the 30 character challenge to get a starting point in his new superhero comic project.
Sam lives in Munich, Germany – home of the world-famous Oktoberfest – together with his tomcat, High Hopes, in a shared flat. He loves cooking, movies, and writing about himself in the third person.
Examples of his work can be found here:
May every participant be inspired by this challenge.
And thanks a lot to our hosts for giving this inspiration!
30 Character Challenger: Anthony Ferrante
Hey there. My name is Anthony Ferrante, I am a writer and founder of the Black Hole Cavalry, a creator studio based on Long Island. I’ve written The Rejects, of which the second volume will begin to see digital print by the end of the year, Legacy, a project that’s currently being pitched, Electrical Resistance, also on the verge of pitching and The Triumvirate of Thicketwood, which is in its very infancy. I’ve recently done some work with Titan Books and the WWE.
Being a dirty common vagrant writer of the comic books, I realize that my posts may not be as interesting to the basic site-skimmer who will most likely frequent this virtual space. However, complete this I must – thirty individuals will be born in this space.
Tyler’s a good guy, and an indy comics maven, so I felt it was a good idea to get in on this platform and use it as not only a personal goal to achieve, but also as a nexus of likewise creative minds who one day I may collaborate with. I plan to learn, absorb, network and create together with a bunch of talented folks.
30 Characters Challenger: Daniel Govar (saulone)
I’m that guy your mother warned you about >:)
I write and illustrate the comic Azure now available via Comixology and DC Comics, and maintain a number of art-oriented websites (all linked-up below). I’ve done stuff for the SyFy channel (back when they were Scifi), am part of the Comic Social Club, and do a ton of commissions these days. Like most of you I take on too much and have too little time. Aside from illustration work, Comics, and being a creative director for a media firm outside of Washington, DC, I’ve got an awesome Boxer named Sandor who keeps me humble and somewhat sane. I drink whiskey, wine, and beer (most things so long as they aren’t too froo froo), am a movie-whore, play console games, run with my dog, program websites and applications, <3 my iPad, and would fall on a sword for my closest friends. Oh yeah – I livestream my digital stuff from time to time.
My interests as a creator are all over, spanning just about every genre aside from Manga and Humor. Modern Fantasy, Sci-fi, Steampunk, & Horror are occupying most of my time these days so expect to see a good deal of concept pieces for pitches and some personal odds and ends showing up here. Last year I divided my 30 characters into 10 Pencil pieces, 10 digital pieces, and 10 waterccolour pieces. This year I plan to add Ink to the mix, and promise to give those I can, background bios.
Why this challenge? Last year was a lot of stressful fun. This year I plan to step it up a bit. Be warned. I loved hitting refresh each day (4 or 5 times) and seeing new creations flow into my browser. Last year we had 3o or so, this year I plan to hit refresh about 20 times a day! Can’t wait 🙂
There And Back Again
Facebook Fan Page
30 Characters Challenger: Evan Windsor
Hi, everyone! My name is Evan Windsor, and I am a computer programmer/comic book writer. I write and draw a comic called Jimmy and the Hammer which is into it’s 5th issue on the web, and hopefully issue 1 will be in print before the end of the year. It’s a funky-fresh action romp about a firefighter/P.I. with a mullet and a talking monkey with a drinking problem. They team up and attempt to solve crimes. Sometimes they even succeed!
While writing has always come fairly easy for me, drawing has always been a challenge, with issue 5, I’ve been taking my time, and making sure the art is as good as it possibly could be – a process that for me has been very mechanical and meticulous. This is one reason I’m very excited to do the 30 Characters Challenge. It should give me the chance to A) be creative and write some new material and B) make some drawings that are fast, loose, and fun to make.
I’m looking forward to the challenge! Hopefully you will enjoy seeing my creations as much as I will enjoy making them!
30 Characters Challenger: Ran Brown
Hey all! My name is Ran (no, really) Brown, and I’m a Canadian Graphic Designer/Illustrator. Though I’m still relatively unknown, webcomics and I have had a long and colorful history. I got into them in highschool when I decided that just drawing characters for all the stories in my mind wasn’t enough, and launched my very first webcomic, Ransom, on Smack Jeeves in its early days. Unexpectedly, I rocketed to the top of the SJ charts, and managed to sit there for over a year.
Getting to know the community led me to some great opportunities at SJ, and as a result, I was an administrator there for more than a couple years and spoke on a number of webcomics panels at various conventions on their behalf. This led me to meet some interesting people, and made me realize that I’d lost sight of what I’d joined for–making comics, rather than just talking about them. I resigned and took a couple years to sort myself out, and as a result, my husband/writer, Cory Brown, and I launched the webcomic The End last May. We’ve been doing well enough that we’ll be launching a second comic, In Absentia, at the end of January 2011.
When I saw Tyler’s call for participants for the 30 Characters Challenge, I knew that I had to join. With In Absentia launching in January, and the cast of The End about to head off into space, I need to design a colorful cast of characters–human, demon and alien–in a very short amount of time. As opposed to making them up on the spot, when I need them on a page, this challenge poses the perfect opportunity to space it out, and force myself to meet a lot of small deadlines in a row. I’m very, very excited for the challenge to start!
30 Characters Challenger: Igor Glushkin
30 Characters Challenge: Igor Glushkin
I’m a freelance graphic designer and currently working on the idea of blending fashion with my love for Star Wars.
Originally from NYC(Queens), now living in Columbus Ohio with my wife and expecting our first baby girl! YEAHHH!
I’m looking forward to the creative and fun way of sharing my ideas and characters created by me and everyone else participating in the 30 Characters Challenge.
My Interests: Films, coffee, Tom Waits music, drawing, reading, star wars and occasional self loathing… ha ha ha.
Link to samples of my work:
Find me on Twitter @igordesign23
Lets see what fun the month of November will bring.
30 Characters Challenger: Gary Lister
Howdy! My name is Gary Lister, graphic designer/illustrator/wiseguy from Jefferson City, Missouri. By day, I work as a Graphic Designer for a printing company; by night, I do freelance art and work on my own webcomic creation – MORGANNA OF THE BORGS. MOTB (for short) is the story of an average down-on-her-luck girl next door who suddenly finds herself the reluctant savior of Earth – the only person on the planet who can stop an inevitable alien invasion! I wear all the production hats — it’s frustrating, exhausting, and a giant challenge — but OHHHH is it FUN!
UPDATE 2011 – For the majority of 2011, MOTB has been on extended hiatus for personal reasons I will not bore you with. Look for MOTB to resume updates after the New Year.
I grew up reading a ton of 80’s Marvel comics and watching Saturday morning cartoons; both were very heavy influences in my art. John Romita, Gil Kane, John Buscema, Jack Kirby are my biggest comic artist influences. As far back as I can remember, I’ve always dreamed up comic book superheroes & villains. The first I remember drawing was a hero named Captain Star. I was 10 then so there wasn’t a whole lot to him – he was dressed in red, white & blue with big gold star on his chest, with a big red cape. He had an underground HQ, a fast supercar and a dog sidekick who had the same gold star on his side. I remember thinking how awesome it was to have my own superhero creation — the rest is history. I’ve never stopped creating, imagining or drawing up my Listerart universe.
I first attempted the 30Characters Challenge last year and bombed out about #17. Make no mistake, this challenge is A TON of work (so I found out). This year, I am better prepared and look to make it to the finish line in grand fashion (fingers crossed.) I usually work 100% digitally, drawing everything in Photoshop but I might revert back to paper, pen & ink here and there when it fits the situation.
I wish everyone participating good luck. Don’t forget to HAVE FUN doing this, that’s what it’s all about. I can’t wait to see all of your cool & groovy characters! Here are some samples of what I do. You can see lots more at; give me a holler on Twitter or Google+ too! Â — Gary
30 Characters Challenger: Matt Stout
Hi friends! My name’s Matt Stout, and I’m a dude that likes comics. Â I live in Kentucky with my wife and dog and a baby on the way in January. Â By day, I’m a seminary student and mailroom manager. Â By night, I draw two comics! My main comic is Big Sandy Gilmore, which updates three times a week. Â My second project is called Community Life, which is (mostly) a single-panel comic for the seminary that I attend. Â I’m also the co-host of The Lightbox Podcast, a weekly webcomics podcast I do with Chris Flick of Capes N Babes.
I’m participating in the 30 Characters challenge for a few reasons. Firstly, I am trying to expand the worlds of both of my comics, and want my main cast to start interacting with characters other than each other. Â This will give me a chance to do some great world-building. Â Secondly, I just got Adobe Illustrator, and I need to practice using it as much as possible and this is a great excuse. Â Thirdly, fun!
30 Characters Challenge: Christopher Tupa
Hey all, first I want to thank Tyler for putting this all together!!
I participated last year and it was a real blast! It was very inspiring seeing what everyone comes up with as well as reading all the comments. So much fun in fact I came back fior round two!
I live in South Texas and love to draw and paint. Pretty much all of my free time is spent drawing, illustrating and painting.
I can’t wait to see all the entries and getting to know the artists involved in this challenge!
Here’s a couple recent pieces I did:
If you want to see some work:
30 Characters Challenger: Martin Brandt
My name is Martin Brandt and I love making characters. I live on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, where I create comics, doodle, and work as a desktop engineer in our nation’s capital. I’ve been creating characters and writing stories for as long as I can remember. My early years I spent writing game story lines for friends to play through and coming up with imaginary scenarios to act out. I would also write and doodle my own comics with friends in school. As I progressed through school I turned to writing prose and including people I knew in my stories. It is amazing how addicted people become to their imaginary adventures. Eventually I would learn that this building block is fundamental to the writing process. Writing what you know, who you know, makes things believable and really takes them to that next level. When people identify with what you write it draws them in and they can’t stop reading.
Returning to games I spent my spare time designing game systems with friends and scripting demos together that would never see the light of day. All the while I continued to write stories and doodle characters. This lead to the creation of my first graphic novel, Grim Furry Tales: Seeds. Originally a game idea, my wife pushed me to write more. The project evolved around me and I honestly had no idea where it was going till I held the book in my hand. The return to creating comics hooked me. I instantly came up with the idea of doing a zombie anthology, a genre my friends and I love, Grim Crew Presents: Dead Future was born. The best part of working on comics for me has been the great people I’ve had the pleasure of working with.
Last year I jumped at the chance to join Tyler’s 30 Character Challenge. This year I used characters I created to enter Small Press Idol 2010 with artist Silvina Rinaldi. Our story Stitchwork won cover feature for Mysterious Visions anthology. Recently a doodle on my facebook wall turned into collaboration with Jason Stephens on a new title called Kidthulhu. I’m no “A†game artist but I plan to have fun here and expand the characters in Kidthulhu, Grim Furry Tales, and whatever else comes to mind. Beyond that I enjoy watching other people’s creations come to life and look forward to seeing everyone else’s madness spread across the page.
30 Characters Challenger: Jay Faulkner
OK … *DEEP BREATH* … here we go:

Jay - Headshot
Hi there everyone, my name is Jay and I’m the confused guy wondering just what on Earth he is doing here amongst all of these creative, talented people. All I can say, in advance and by way of a pre-emptive apology, is that I LOVED Tyler’s concept for 30Characters so much that I entered it before really thinking through the consequences: i.e. having to actually come up with 30 new characters during November, and attempt to draw them, even though I am not an artist! 🙂
Anyway, I’m here now so am going to make the best of it so may as well tell you a little bit about me. Like I said my name is Jay (Faulkner) and I currently live in Northern Ireland; my dad was in the Royal Air Force so I’ve spent a lifetime moving from country to country and air-base to air-base so don’t’ really ‘feel’ like I am from anywhere in particular. Home, for me, is simply where my loved ones are, which is my wife, best friend and soul mate, Carole, and our two wonderful baby boys Mackenzie and Nathaniel. I’m lucky enough that the rest of my family also happens to live in Ireland so am close to them too.
Educationally I have a degree in Art and Design but, after moving to London a long time ago, I fell into the evil grip of ‘working for a living’ and unfortunately I realised that I got paid more for tinkering with computers than I did for sketching so picked up an increasingly growing set of qualifications in I.T. So now, by day, I am an I.T. Services Manager, specialising in Information Security – yes that is as boring as it sounds which is why by night (and any spare moment during the day) I teach martial arts and write … though usually not at the same time.
Writing is probably my main creative outlet these days, though I still try to dabble with art when I get the chance, and took the plunge in August 2009 by actually sending a piece of my work to a magazine – they were mad enough to publish me and, since then, I have been writing and submitting (rather than writing and burying in the garden) more and more.
I’ve been lucky enough to have been published in Offshoot Magazine, Apollo’s Lyre, Campfire Tales, Nanoism, Long Story Short, Every Day Fiction, Static Movement, Twisted Tongue, Trapeze Magazine and Full Armor Magazine to name a few and my work can be found in multiple print anthologies, including Rigor Amortis, a collection of zombie romance tales … yes, you read that right, zombie and romance!
I was also short listed in the 2010 Penguin Ireland Short Story Competition and am currently working on my first novel, ‘Wednesday’s Child’.
I founded, and edit, ‘With Painted Words’ – – a creative writing site with a monthly image prompt that is just about to celebrate its first anniversary.
That’s a lot of words but, in summary, I would say that while I’m a hopeful writer, martial-artist, sketcher, and dreamer that mostly I’m just a husband and father.
If you want you can find out more by visiting
The honest reason for taking part in 30Characters is pretty simple: to have fun. I don’t have a comic, I am not planning to pitch for a comic, I am not thinking about going back to art full-time. I’m just here to put some of the ideas spinning around in my head down onto paper and see what they look like. I am pretty sure that they will be (mostly, at least) super-hero based, though I ‘may’ attempt to sketch out some of the characters from current and upcoming stories too.
For now though, and try to put something ‘arty’ into this introduction (as well as steal a phrase from all good kid’s TV shows) here are some sketches that I made earlier:
The next two images were created for Martin Eden, creator/owner of Spandex (, for a month long theme he called ‘Japandex’. In his own words this was “To celebrate the Spandex team’s trip to Tokyo in issue 2, Spandex creator Martin organised ‘Japandex’, a very special online gallery of Japanese-related art – with a Spandex twist!! The artwork was provided by some of the UK’s top artistic talent and debuted in June 2010. You can see it all here:!/album.php?aid=183778&id=137375331859 ”
My contribution was my ‘take’ on Neon and Glitter, inspired by traditional Japanese images:
30 Characters Challenger: Eric White
After 12 months of anticipation…it’s finally here. Â The 30 Characters Challenge!! As one of the alumni from year one, I think I’m more excited now than I was the first time around. Â In 2009…I think I looked at the characters as a sort of…extended Suicide Sketch (which, if you’ve never heard of that, is a requested sketch that you draw & post online in only 10 minutes) but this year I have a plan to use the characters I come up with…so I’m going to put more thought and effort into each day’s offering. Â What is that plan…and better yet…who the heck am I?? Â Let me fill you in!!

What I would look like with a rock'n porn stache
My name is Eric. I live in Omaha, Nebraska. Â My wife and I have two great kids (5 and 2). Â I work during the day as a graphic designer for the University of Nebraska Medical Center and at night (and I mean ALL night) Â as a flatter. Â Over the past few years my flatting work has grown to the point that most weeks I barely make my deadlines and I average 3-4 hours of sleep a night. Â It has, however, allowed me to meet some amazing people and work on some world class titles. Â I’ve had LOADS of fun with it but I’m beginning to start thinking about my time after flatting.

A recent I.M. Sketch card

That's right...SpiderPig
This past year I made a commitment to myself to begin drawing more and start turning down some flatting work.  I’ve began working on sketch cards and more suicide sketching.  I’ve also began jotting down a lot of ideas into some loose story ideas. From those ideas…a story is beginning to gel.  In the end…it’ll all come together as a web comic.  We’re still a long way out from having anything resembling a finished product…but it’s a work in progress.
(watch me bring this mug back around full circle)
Where last year my entries for the 30 Characters challenge were a bit whimsical and sort of thrown aways…this year I have a purpose.  I’ll be creating and sharing 30 characters that will inhabit the universe of my web comic.  I’ll also be unveiling a lot of other exciting things like locations, logos, icons, etc…which I’d like to begin doing right now!  The title of my web comic is (wait for it…) Solar Maximum!
What can you expect to see from me? I want to be able to tell you that I’ll have a complete, colored and polished piece of artwork as well as a 1500 bio every single day…but lets be honest here. Between Day job, daddy duties and my night job I’m already over worked.  My goal is to post complete and (digitally) colored pieces for each of the main characters but you’ll probably see (fairly) tight pencils for the supporting cast. As for character information…that’ll be based on the importance of the character. Some will be lengthy while other will be relatively short.
So there it is!!  You’ll be seeing all the main characters and many many of the supporting cast from my upcoming web comic, Solar Maximum. This will be a big month for me. I’m looking forward to sharing this process with everyone and I hope you enjoy it.
#30Characters Chatter…