30 Character Challenger: Mike Gallagher

| October 26, 2010 | 3 Comments

I am here to testify!

Because of 30 Characters premiere season last November, I got a paying gig!
Closed System is being published in BullSpec magazine right now!
Time travel on an apes head? You betcha! Come experience the drama of learning the rules of time travel in Closed System.

I have been drawing all my life. I have been published in several anthologies, co-created Ruin, and am working on several new projects. I have designed tattoos, t-shirts, gated communities, and candy packaging.
I am also a frequent guest on the fabulous Comic Geek Speak podcast.

I am doing the Challenge again this year mainly because it was so much damn fun last year! I love being a part of all this crazy creativity. Everyone feeding off each other’s inspiration is phenomenal! I plan on working out some of my character designs for a new comic I am working on called CeltSpace. And throw in some of my patented wacky characters too. So look out! The fun is just beginning!

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  1. TiMrozek says:

    Who cares about characters, I want to hear more about your gated communities!

  2. saulone says:

    Awesome to see you back, Mike and congrats on Closed System! Can’t wait to see your 30 new creations πŸ™‚

  3. atombat says:

    Hey Mike good to see some familiar faces, looking forward to seeing your new 30 characters.

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