Hi I’m Thorne

| October 29, 2010 | 0 Comments

Hey Everyone, My name is Thorne, and I am the Creator of Tears & Pain a Fantasy comic that I can’t decide if I want to be funny or dramatic so I slide between both! πŸ™‚ You can find it at http://tearsandpain.com

Born & Raised in Illinois, I now live in Florida, after a brief but annoying stay in Alabama *Note: If you currently live in, or like the State of Alabama, take no offense it just wasn’t for me.*

Tears & Pain has been running for two years now, with Book II launching last month, I joined the Challenge to work on my character creation skills and to push myself to create more.

I’m your basic Geek, with a twist for all things Medieval.

Good Travels,

Category: About, Drama, Fantasy, Humor, Participants

About the Author ()

Creator of Tears & Pain a Fantasy Webcomic That updates on Mon., Wed.,Fri. with additional updating on every other day except Saturday,cus well I need some time off! :)

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