RSSCategory: Participants


| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Galvinix, name given due to his predisposition with metal sticking out of his body. These pieces of metal cause him to be grumpy. Soon the population which resides around him casts him out, labeling him the forsaken.


| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Fred, just your run-of-the-mill alien.

#18 The Texas Tornado

| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

#18 TigerKamen

| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: Kyoshi Mitgunasu

Height: 6’0

Weight: 250 lbs.

Race: Japanese  Age:39

Location: Tokyo, Japan

TigerKamen(Kamen meaning “Masked one” in Japanese) is a field operative working for Cero Prefecture, The Cero Agency’s branch located in a secret location within the city of Tokyo. The division he works for is called The KingKamen(king is short for “Kingdom”), an group of masked agents  serving  it’s nation for decades. A former martial artist and a former pro wrestler, Kyoshi joined the ranks after his stint in Cero’s US branch and was picked because of his good standing and displayed great work. He is also Miles Connery’s(last year’s entry #15) good friend and trusted ally.

Powers: Hand to hand combat skills due to be training since childhood. Master of the Tiger fighting style and occasionally preform Jeet Kun Do on his enemies.

Personality: A fighting spirit, as times a go-getter, protective of those he holds dear to him.)



| November 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

Buster, a mysterious figure. Forged in a 45 minute sculpting session in hopes to create a recorded event. He’s Silly.

#17 The Beaumont Bandit

| November 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

The Beaumont Bandit

#17 Warria

| November 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: Akima Otomo

Height: 5’2  Weight;112 lbs.

Race: Japanese Age:21

Location: Someone within Japan.

As Warria, Akima is one of a race of ninjas unaccounted for in Japan. Her mission is to eliminate anything and anyone.

Powers: None but has hand to hand combat skills and endurance. Personality:A killing machine.

#16 The Little Green Men

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

The Little Green Men

Day 16: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents: Professor Paradox

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments





CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY:  Little is known about the being known as Professor Paradox.  What we do know is that he a creature that although looks and may have even at one point, had been human.  He now is a creature of almost god like stature.  His purpose in existence is to travel through space and time and cause events that result in paradoxes, and unstable temporal tangent and pocket universes.  These events will gradually become unstable and self annihilate.  The result is a huge amount of entropy energies that Paradox feeds off of.  This energy gives him a wide range of powers including, time and space travel and manipulation, energy manipulation, super strength and regeneration abilities.

Paradox became known to our world roughly in the early 1950’s, when he came in contact and conflict with the costumed adventurer group known as The Alliance.  He met up again with them and other super beings from the 1950’s through the mid-1970’s.  After the Ghor Event of 1975 Paradox disappeared from official record until a few years ago, when he began to resurface in London, New York, and DC.  His activities have been muted and somewhat under the radar, but rest assured will become known in the fullness of time…

#16 Touchdown

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: Barry England

Height: 6’2

Weight: 234 lbs.

Race: Caucasian Location: New York, NY

Barry is an professional football player and an trill seeker. The government created a suit that can withstand anything it touches and has asked Barry to volunteer to wear it. Now serving his time working for the government, Barry will fight a good fight.

Powers: None but has super-strength and endurance, and speed.

Personality: Confident, sarcastic.


| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments


Simon is curious, at least that’s what I see when I look at this portrait. Did this one quick and dirty to try out the undo history recorder in zBrush. Should have the video up on my blog at some point tomorrow… after I sleep.

#15 The Face

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Sorry for the lateness on the entry guys.

Real name: Franklin Holman


Weight:198 lbs.

Age:39 Location:Chicago, Illinois

Franklin was a celebrated make-up and special effects artist. After he is wanted for a murder he didn’t commit, he faked his death in order to hide and figure out who did this to him and why. he created a horrifying face from a mask made from an experimental idea he had for a Halloween costume. Using a old suit he had in his closet to go along with the mask, he patrols the city in search of injustice to destroy as The Face.

Powers: None Personality:  Go-getter.

DAY 15: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents NIL

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

21st Century Sandshark Studios
in conjunction with
A Dan Nokes Happening
DAY 15
Character Biography-Little is known about the being known simply as Nil. He is ruler, master, and to most of the inhabitants of the Shadow Realm, its god! The Shadow Realm is a dimension somewhat paralell, but different in nature from ours. In some ways it is best described as a hell based in darkness. It can be accessed by the shadows cast by everyday objects, but only a few gifted, some say cursed individuals can access this dimension. Its ruler is a cold, cruel, and sadistic, creature known as Nil. Nil only became known to this world recently through the actions of the US based super hero team known as THE DIVISION, and more specifically, through its shadow power based member known as The Shadeling. Nil has been a foe of The Division and many other of the adventurers of the 1960’s and 70’s. After the battle against Ghor in 1975, spottings of Nil have been almost non-existant. But whispers of him attempting to invade and conquer our realm have begun to cerculate. For now they are just whispers. But whispers and shadows are how Nil has always begun…


| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Sputnik The Space Monkey


| November 14, 2012 | 0 Comments

Guardian of the People!

DAY 14: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents-FLINTLOCK

| November 14, 2012 | 0 Comments





CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY: Jared “Flint” Locke was born in Wheeling, West Virginia in October of 1921.  His family were poor coal miners and had to survive off the land and other “less reputable” means of making due such as bootlegging.  Jared learned how to use a gun from the time he could walk, and by the age of 6 he was a crack shot with a rifle and handgun.  When World War II broke out, Jared and his brother Carl enlisted in the Marines.  Both brothers proved themselves in battle, Jared himself earning the rank of Gunnery Sergeant in the Pacific in less than 4 years and Master Gunnery Sergeant by the time he retired from the Marines in 1954.  Carl used his GI Bill to get a business degree from the University of West Virginia, while Jared enlisted in the FBI, where he became a sharpshooting instructor at the academy.  In 1960 he was abducted along with 4 others from across the globe by an undisclosed alien race, and experimented upon.  When they were returned, their memory had been tampered with, to where all they could recall was from a fractal dream-like state.

Within 24 hours Jared began exhibiting the strange powers to manipulate his arms and hands into organic guns and hand cannons that shoot out living bullets that become active upon contact with air, and explode upon impact.  Jared also felt a psychic link that drew him to the other 4 abductees.  Through a series of adventures, the individuals found each other and formed a group a costumed adventurers known as THE PHANTOM FIVE.  Over the next decade and a half, the group became one of the foremost super hero teams along with The Alliance of Super Heroes, and The Division that brought the second era of the metas lasting from 1953 to the mid 70’s.  This era ended when a world conquering galactic despot known as Ghor the Annihilator, invaded Earth in 1975.  The combined heroes and villains of our world managed to turn him back, but at a huge price.  Many people and metas lost their lives in the battle, including all but one of the Phantom Five were killed.  Most bodies were recovered or accounted for.  Jared Locke’s was not among them….



| November 14, 2012 | 0 Comments
The Spicy Chilto

The Spicy Chllito

#14 Mr. Action

| November 14, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: Eric Mellsent

Height: 6’4

Weight:231 lbs. Age:32

Race: African-American

Location: Harlem, NYC

Eric is a director of a youth center in Harlem devoted to youth in trouble. As a child his anatomy was unusual.   He has the power to withstand any surface applied on him. Like getting hit by a car for instance, he can survive it.  Mr. Action can withstand anything that stands in his way.

Powers: Super strength, endurance. Personality: Positive and kind to those that deserve it.


| November 13, 2012 | 0 Comments


Retire porn star, he keeps the ol’ fashion style going.

Day 13: 21st Century Sandshark Studios presents: Plasmatastic

| November 13, 2012 | 0 Comments

21st Cetury Sandshark Studios Presents
In conjunction with THE 30 CHARACTER IN 30 DAY CHALLENGE
A Dan Nokes Happening…
Day 13
Character Biography-
Muriel Thompson was born in August of 1940 to Dennis and May Thompson in Menlowe Park, New Jersey. Both parents were commercial pilots, and both served in World War II in various capacities. Muriel was from an early age taught how to fly a plane and by the age of 16 had already aquired a pilot’s liscence.
She attempted to join the air force as a pilot but was quickly shot down by policy makers. She was then contacted by the Army who promised her a flight commission in return for participation in an experiment in an attempt to revive the Olympus Project to make super soldiers in the 1930’s and 40’s. She accepted and underwent the process after basic and officer’s training. She emerged a 2nd Leutenut and with the power to create and manipultate energy bolts. Codenamed PLASMATASTIC she joined several other test subjects to form the US Government controlled costumed adventurers known as THE DIVISION.
The group enjoyed a decade plus run in the 60’s and 70’s before being cut short during a battle against a space faring world conquerer named Ghor the Ahnililator. They managed to turn back his forces. But not before most of the group, along with Plasmatastic and many other heroes, villains, soldiers and civilians were killed in the asuing battle…


| November 13, 2012 | 0 Comments
Digg and Dugg

The El Paso Border Jumpers

#13 Tokuman

| November 13, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name:  Joe Tasmaji

Height: 6’0

Weight: 198 lbs.  Race:Japanese/Hispanic

Age: 27 Location: New York, NY

Joe is an accomplished artist and a part time martial artist working at his uncle’s Dojo on the Lower East Side. One day he found that he has the power to become a guardian to fight for justice. He was given a belt and  can transform into Tokuman, one of the 12 guardians of the Tokumagu, warriors of an ancient warrior race that existed before humans.

Powers: hand to hand combat, martial art skills, endurance, using weapons upon command, etc.

Personality: Sarcastic, able to pull off anything he puts his mind to.


| November 12, 2012 | 0 Comments


AeroGale is a superhero whom doesn’t know the word retirement. Been saving the world since his 20’s, hes been in the service for 60 years.  His name is a representation of what hes known for, flying really fast and willing the weather to his whim.


| November 12, 2012 | 0 Comments
The Cuban Missile

He’s smokin’ HOT.


#11-The-Flying Burrito

| November 12, 2012 | 0 Comments
The Flying Burrito

The Flying Burrito – no need to say more.

#10 – The Mojito Mesquito

| November 12, 2012 | 0 Comments

The Mojito Mesquito

DAY 12: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents….THE JURYMAN 2502

| November 12, 2012 | 0 Comments





CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY: In the late 21st Century man began to reach out into deep space long term travel and colonization. Several in and extra solar system establishments sprung up including one funded by a joint American/Japanese/Saudi operation of the colony York Al Medinah Edo after the home cities of each corporate entity.  By the early 22nd Century the great powers of Earth had become embroiled in a Third World War.  The colonies realized that they wanted no part of what would be mutually assured destruction of the home-world   The 12 colonies seceded from Earth jurisdiction and formed a confederacy for mutual commerce and defense.  Over the next 400 years the colonies joined other worlds and non-human civilizations to form the entity known as The United Stellar Conference.

York Al Medinah Edo became major industrial hubworld and as such became prey to many of the problems a large urban center suffers.  Corruption, crime and social unrest became rampant.  From this world came a man by the name of Mohammed Alan Akita, who worked for a cybernetics firm known as TransCyber Interplanetary.  Mohammed was a brilliant cyber-neurologist, who was on the verge of developing a technique of downloading human consciousness itself. Unfortunately his research was cut short when he stumbled upon information of what his work was to be used for, and subsequently murdered in his lab, and made to look like an accident.  But before his death Mohammed was able to transfer his consciousness into inter-webscape.  Mohammed eventually found a way to in cyberspace to construct a robotic body for him to implant his consciousness.  Mohammed had a passion for the Heroic Age adventurers of the early 20th to mid 21st Centuries.  His favorite were two men of different era’s known as the Juryman.  Mohammed took on this identity to do battle with the corrupt and criminal elements of York Al Medinah Edo and beyond as the new Juryman!

#12 Cellbloc

| November 12, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: Damon Hallway


Weight:229 lbs.

Age: 42  Race: African-American

Location: Harlem, NY

Damon Hallway is a High School teacher who wanted to make a difference. As Cellbloc, his goal is to stop any crime in his neighborhood.

Powers: Has hand to hand skills.

Personality: Never afraid to stand up to himself.


#11 Armer

| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: Christina De La Cruz Fabian


Weight:105 lbs. Race:Latin-American

Location: Inwood, NYC

Since today is Veteran’s Day, I might has well create a character for this occasion.

Lisa served in the war in Iraq and has been a military brat most of her life before settling in the Inwood(Upper Manhattan)area. The US government has enlisted her to serve again, this time by wearing a specially designed suit of armor filled with the latest in US military technology. Armer stands for Armored Readied Motivating Every Regiment. She’s a powerful force in eliminating any force standing in it’s way.

Powers: Super-Strength, endurance. Hidden compartments including missiles and explosives in various places throughout the suit.

Personality: Proud of her country but not conceded. Not afraid of a challenge in front of her.

#10 Maiden

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: Nancinda “Nancy” Smith

Height: 5’6

Weight:197 lbs.

Nancy is your typical teenager looking to belong in the world. One day she discover a necklace that gives her the power to do anything she wanted. She became Maiden, a teenager saving the world and making a difference in the world.

Powers: Creating beams from her hands. Able to use light as a weapon.

Personality: Confident, able to help when possible.

DAY 11: 21st Century Sandshark Studios presents: SHADOW MAGE

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments





Character Biography-Gindrell Thorne is the 112th Necromancer, tracing her family back to the 6th Century BC.  Her family have been the keepers of The Thorne Grimmuar, a mystical encyclopedia of sorts.  As such she is considered one of the most powerful magic folk in the known universe.  She was born in 2572 to Marcale and Judial Thorne, was trained in the magical arts, before taking the mantle from her mother in 2597.  (Her parents are from Brelle IV and are New Reformed Pagans, in her religion the man takes the female name upon marriage.)  In 2602 she received a vision to meet up with a group of various persons to deal with the forces of Kraul on Golundan IV.  She defeated Kraul and eventually became a member of the pre-eminent costumed adventurers of the early 27th century known as THE GOLUNDAN CORP.