Tag: Ralph Contreras
#6 Shiphrah, Eldest High Daughter Of Lilith
#6Â Shiphrah, Eldest High Daughter of Lilith
Character Back Story:
Shiphrah is one of Lilith’s first daughters, she is one of the Eldest High. The Eldest High are the strongest and most ruthless of Lilith’s warrior daughters.  She was raised from childhood to hate and pity the “Children of Eve†and to rejoice in their destruction. Through out the centuries Shiphrah has battle angels, demons and men for her mother. She has an unquenching desire to see all mankind burn.
Shiphrah has been the leader of an execution squad put forth by her mother to eliminate all decedents of Eve’s child Abel for the past century. She has successfully murdered thousands of potential decedents with no reservations. Only one has escaped her, a child named Chasya Ableson. Shiphrah, her sisters and her brothers have been searching for Chasya for 10 years. Chasya has had help from Cain the Devil Killer evading her and her death squad. Little does Shiphrah know that Chasya and Cain are planning on taking the fight to her and her mother Lilith in the near future.
Behavior Traits:
Violent, Brutal, Leadership, Cunning, Strong Willed, Loyal only to Lilith
Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Flight, Super-Strength, Swords Master, Hand to Hand Combat, Expert Combat Tactician
Shiphrah is a character set in my comic project First Legacy. It’s a comic/story where Lilith, Adam’s first wife is planning on declaring war on the Children of Eve (mankind). With Shiphrah I’m putting a face to the murder of Abel’s Decedents. Other Daughters of Lilith I’ve written back stories for are Rachel and Aurora Light.
Check out my other 2013 Challenge Characters:
Check out my characters from the last challenges:
2009 Characters, 2010 Characters, 2011 Characters, 2012 Characters
Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my Blog and other Social Media sites!
All rights reserved. All contents â„¢ and © 2013 to Rafael “Ralph” Contreras, unless otherwise noted herein to respective content owners.
#5 Chelsea Webb, Underwater Explorer
#5Â Chelsea Webb, Underwater Explorer
Character Back Story:
Chelsea Webb was always fascinated with oceanography. She grew up in the dry deserts of Arizona but always knew she wanted to study the seas. She joined a deep sea exploration fellowship in collage. On their first outing the boat sank and all were lost at sea. It would have been the end of Chelsea’s story if she hadn’t be rescued by a rag tag group of underwater explorers, decedents of Captain Nemo’s crew from the late 1800s. This group calling themselves the Sea Warriors explore and chart the vast oceans fighting injustice where they find it.
As Chelsea heals form her near death experience the crew members of the Sea Warriors tell her stories of their adventures. She decided that she want to join the group, if they’ll have her. The Captain, Gabrielo puts her membership us to a vote to the crew. Not all the Sea Warriors trust her, but she does win membership. Chelsea has been trying to prove to herself and her naysayers every chance she gets. She has excelled in deep water exploration.
Behavior Traits:
Adventurous, Out going, Opinionated, Determined
Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Map Reading, Oceanography, Deep Water Diving
With this character I came up with a drawing first and created her back story from her look.
Check out my other 2013 Challenge Characters:
Check out my characters from the last challenges:
2009 Characters, 2010 Characters, 2011 Characters, 2012 Characters
Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my Blog and other Social Media sites!
All rights reserved. All contents â„¢ and © 2013 to Rafael “Ralph” Contreras, unless otherwise noted herein to respective content owners.
#4 Cain, The Devil Killer
#4 Cain, The Devil Killer
Character Back Story:
The origins of Cain’s beginnings are know to most.  He was Adam and Eves first child, a farmer who love to grow from the land. The first murderer, killing his brother Abel in a fit of jealousy. Banished and marked by god to wonder the world,  cursed to never be able to grow from the land again. He build cities and had children. Some believed he died during the destruction of the city Enoch, but Gods punishment has given Cain a from of immortality. He can not be killed by any man or anything forged by man, this is the power of gods mark on him. Cain has wandered the world since then, trying to find forgiveness for his sin of murdering his brother.
For the last few centuries Cain has fight a war against the worlds spiritual evils. Hoping to find redemption by saving humanity from fallen angels, demons and the treachery of Lilith and her dark children. He is referred to as the Devil Killer and feared among lower level dark entities. Although he has not received any recognition from any heavenly powers. Cain believes that this the key to his redemption.
Cain learned of Lilith’s plan to kill off all the direct decedents of his brother Abel’s family line from the Keeper of the Seal. Cain knows that he must protect and save his brothers decedents. The Keeper gives Cain the Seal to help in his battles against Lilith’s children. The Seal is the “Seal of Solomon”, a powerful ring that gives it’s bearer the ability to control Demons and speak with animals. Cain arrives at every assignation to late, finding only death and destruction at the hands of Lilith’s execution squad. Not willing to give up he finds the home of Abel’s last decedents, and crashes into the middle of the assassination attempt. He sees a young girl about to have her throat sliced and kills her attacker. He than uses the Ring to command any and all demons in the area to grab the other assassins. He takes the young girl,  Chasya Ableson to safety and tells her he’s her long lost uncle Nic.
Cain has been protecting and training Chasya to fight against Lilith’s children for ten years under identity of her Uncle Nic. She doesn’t know that he is really Cain the first murder or about his ring to control demons. Neither he or Chasya  know why Lilith has targeted Abel’s decedents but they are tired of hiding. They’ve decided to take the fight to Lilith herself. In a war to save his brothers family, Cain hopes to find redemption for the murder of his brother Abel.
Behavior Traits:
Guilty, Remorseful, Creative, Strategist, Agriculture, Architect
Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Advanced hand to hand combat, Swordsmanship, Marksmanship, Â Occult, Partially Immortal, Invulnerability to human weapons
Seal of Solomon (Ring): Demon control, Ability to talk to animals.
I thought it would be fun to put Cain in the anti-hero position. Â He’s the first murder, but he’s trying to redeem himself. I also like making him a Devil killer, with a mystic ring that allow him to control lower level demons. In my first year during the 30 Character Challenge I created Andrew the Keep of the Seal. He was always intended to be used in a horror type comic series. In this new story he passes the ring over to Cain.
Check out my other 2013 Challenge Characters:
Check out my characters from the last challenges:
2009 Characters, 2010 Characters, 2011 Characters, 2012 Characters
Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my Blog and other Social Media sites!
All rights reserved. All contents â„¢ and © 2013 to Rafael “Ralph” Contreras, unless otherwise noted herein to respective content owners.
#3 Chasya Ableson
#3 Chasya Ableson
Character Back Story:
Chasya had an average American childhood, She watched TV, hang out with her friends and had two loving parents. That all drastically changed one deadly and horrific night. The family had just finished celebrating Chasyas 14th birthday, returning home from they family birthday dinner. Waiting for them in their home was an execution squad. Daughters of Lilith and their demon brothers given orders to kill the entire family. Chasya watched in horror as they eviscerated both her parents before her eyes. With a sword at her throat and only moments to live the front window of her home exploded with a wild man breaking though. He sliced the assassin with a blade to her neck in half. The room then became dark and the shadows on the walls began to grab the  execution squad. This wild man then grabbed Chasya and carried her away form the danger.  He explained that he was her long lost uncle “Nic” and those creatures were killing everyone in their family.
Chasya eventually learned the truth about of her family. That she was a direct decedent of Able, Adam and Eve’s second son. She is now the last decedent of Abel, Lilith’s daughters have murdered all the others in Abels direct lineage. She was taken in by her Uncle Nic and has been trained to survive and fight against Lilith’s Daughters. It’s been 10 years since her family was murdered. Chasya and Nic don’t know why Lilith has targeted them, how it is part of grand her plan or if it’s just part of her hatred for the children of Eve. They’ve decided to take the fight to her though armed with mystical weapons. They will find new allies, enemies, and secrets on their quest for their families survival against Lilith and her dark children.
Behavior Traits:
Angry, Short Tempered, Determined, Resourceful
Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Advanced hand to hand combat, Swordsmanship, Marksmanship, Acrobatics, Demolitions, Occult
I’ve been working on a story/script for a comic called First Legacy. Where Lilith, Adams first wife hates the Children of Eve, basically all of humanity. All the characters are Demons, Angels, Demgods, ect. I wanted to add a more human aspect to the story. So why not have some of the children of Eve actually take the fight to Lilith? That’s where I came up with Abel last decedent, Chasya Ableson and her uncle “Nic”…Spoiler Nic’s not his real name.
Check out my other 2013 Challenge Characters:
Check out my characters from the last challenges:
2009 Characters, 2010 Characters, 2011 Characters, 2012 Characters
Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my Blog and other Social Media sites!
All rights reserved. All contents â„¢ and © 2013 to Rafael “Ralph” Contreras, unless otherwise noted herein to respective content owners.
#2 Wondering Executioner
#2 Wondering Executioner
Character Back Story:
The Wondering Executioner is shadowed in mystery. A figure that most don’t believe in. Stories of a this dark man have appeared in ancient texts and stories for thousands of year. He has been seen in all major battles and wars throughout history, folklore and legends. The story is always the same. When the battle nears it’s end The Wondering Executioner appears fighting anyone that challenges him. He them finds the cowards or traitors of both sides and begins to execute them. Slicing them in half with his giant sized sword named Judgement. He yells the same sentence with every kill “You have been found guilty”. It is believe he might be a fallen angel punishing mankind for his own sin of betraying his god. It is also believed that he is not one man but many, that the Wondering Executioner persona is part of a secret order of warrior judges. No matter his origin, do not betray your comrades in arms or you may be judged by his Execution Sword.
Behavior Traits:
Judge, Jury, Executioner
Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Swordsmanship, Field Battle Experience, Immortal (perhaps), Super Strength, Invulnerability
I like the idea of creating a figure that we don’t really know his origin. Is he one man of one in a lineage. I can see this character working in stand alone stories or being referenced in back story. I think I may eventually add him to my upcoming comic project “First Legacy”
Check out my other 2013 Challenge Characters:
Check out my characters from the last challenges:
2009 Characters, 2010 Characters, 2011 Characters, 2012 Characters
Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my Blog and other Social Media sites!
All rights reserved. All contents â„¢ and © 2013 to Rafael “Ralph” Contreras, unless otherwise noted herein to respective content owners.
#1 Tommy Hansen
#1 Tommy Hansen
Character Back Story:
Tommy Hansens’ earliest memories are of growing up homeless with his fellow street gang of children named “The Rejects”. He doesn’t remember his family or how he ended up a homeless child. The Rejects would beg and steal to survive the harsh and deadly streets. Tommy was never a leader among the group,  but he always supported them. Like all the kids on the street Tommy looked up to the crime bosses and their lieutenants. Tommy saw them as rich successful men and he wanted to be one of them one day.  He eventually started shadowing Jake “the Hammer” Armstrong, a middle class criminal who worked for the Nightwolf Crime Syndicate. Tommy would offer to help The Hammer with runs and anything he could. He eventually became one of the Hammers most loyal workers. Whatever Tommy got paid he would share with the Rejects. If there is one thing that Tommy believes in, it’s his loyalties. As Tommy got older he started to move up in the ranks of Nightwolf Crime Syndicate. He’s now Jake “the Hammer” Armstrong second.  He doesn’t really want to move any higher up the organization, He’s happy where he is. When he sees all the new kids on the streets, Tommy always gives them some cash.
Behavior Traits:
Loyalty, Fast Talker, Follower
Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Pick Pocketing, Basic Criminal Skills, Street Survival
For this character I tried to move away from the typical comic book character I have created in the past.
Check out my other 2013 Challenge Characters:
Check out my characters from the last challenges:
2009 Characters, 2010 Characters, 2011 Characters, 2012 Characters
Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my Blog and other Social Media sites!
All rights reserved. All contents â„¢ and © 2013 to Rafael “Ralph” Contreras, unless otherwise noted herein to respective content owners.
2013 Challenger: Ralph Contreras

Ralph Contreras – 2013 Challenger
SHAZAM! Hey everyone!
My name’s Ralph Contreras, I’m a fourth year alumni of the 30 Character Challenge. This will be my 5th time around. I always have a blast with it. The first year was the only challenge I was able to complete, so I’m very excited and determined to finish all 30 characters this year. I’ve been focusing on my writing lately, so I’m excited to get back some drawing, inking and coloring.
I’m a huge comic nerd with my own aspiration of working in the comic field professionally. My real first dive into to character design was when I was a kid in the 80’s, playing the Marvel Comics Universe role playing game. I’d write up a description and draw the character, like the ones I saw in the Marvel Comic Handbook. There was “Mister Glovesâ€, “Anarchy†and so many others. This is when I discovered I wanted to someday create my own comics. Comics have always been a part of my life. I work as a graphic designer by day and on my comics at night. I setup a personal blog Comic Book Graphic Design, where I combine my comic artwork with my graphic design skills. There are post of my sketches, character designs and comic book resources I’ve created to help other aspiring comic artists in their journey too.
Plans for the future; focusing on my personal comic projects for 2014 which showcase several characters created from past 30 Character Challenges. I’ve made some great online friendships with awesome creative people through this challenge. I’m looking forward to seeing all the amazing characters from everyone. It’s great to see so many creative people getting involved again this year.
Check out my characters from the last challenges:
2009 Characters, 2010 Characters, 2011 Characters, 2012 Characters
Samples of some Character Designs: Rachel, daughter of Lilith & General Grimm
Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my Blog and other Social Media sites!
All rights reserved. All contents â„¢ and © 2013 to Rafael “Ralph” Contreras, unless otherwise noted herein to respective content owners.
#2 Alcatraz
#2 Alcatraz
Character Back Story:
Like most fighters of the pit, nothing is known about Alcatraz’s past. What his real name is, where he was born, who his family is. He ended up in the pit like most fighters do. At some point he was abducted from his former life and injected to this dark underworld. The need is high for new recruits, since fights often end with a death. The life expectancy of a pit fighter is a little over a month. New recruits go through reconditions and rebuilding. First their minds are erased, they become blank slates ready to be programmed to fight. To only care about fighting and winning. There are several managers (big bosses) that recruit, train, and house these fighters. Alcatraz fights for Boss Holiday.
Unlike most fighters in the pit who only dream of fighting and winning, Alcatraz dreams of escaping. To escape this violent world he knows he needs to survive the fights. Which means he has to be smarter, tougher, stronger and more lethal then his opponents. For him winning is living. Living for the next day, living to be free. He’s heard rumors that if you survive long enough, the “Boss” will take you out of the fights. Give you another job as one of his enforcers. Enforcing what, he doesn’t know. But he believes it has to be better then fighting everyday to the death.
When Alcatraz first started in the pits there was a top fighter named “Concrete Stain”, an undefeated fighter who had survived over a year. Then one day he was gone, not dead from a fight just gone. That’s when Alcatraz first heard the rumor. That elite fighters work for Boss Holiday in the outside, not just fighting for him in the pits. It might only be a dream but Alcatraz will keep surviving until he’s chosen, until he’s free.
Behavior Traits:
Resortful, Determined, Creative
Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Hand to hand fighting, Weapons (blunt objects, knives)
I mentioned Boss Holiday in Alcatraz’s back story. He’s a character I created for the first 30 Characters Challenge. A Rockabilly Crime lord who employs “Super-Villains”
Check out my other 2012 Challenge Characters
Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my Blog and other Social Media sites!
All rights reserved. All contents â„¢ and © 2012 to Rafael “Ralph” Contreras, unless otherwise noted herein to respective content owners.
#1 Dra’Zun, Guardian Droid
#1 Dra’Zun, Guardian Droid
Character Back Story:
A rouge asteroid hit and destroyed the planet Azari Prime, home of the Dra’Azari Royal Family. The Royal family and the planets inhabitants mounted a vast interstellar survival plan. Financed by the Royal family and all the resources of Azari, 20 ark space ships were created. The survivors would travel to Azari-3, a colony on the outskirts of their solar system. Azari-3 rich with natural resources would be their new home world. The Royal family created their own ship for the voyage, it was to carry their entire Dra’Azari Family. Guardian Droids were built and placed in all ark ships, also named GD-Units. Their primary functions and programming was to care for the needs of the ark passengers. These droids would maintain the ships, cook, clean, police, and educate. On the Royals ship there were 8 GD-Units.
Ezbeet Dra’Book (Ezbeet equaling to a Duke in Earth terms) sees this migration as a great opportunity to rise higher in the family court. He reprograms the Guardian Droids on the Royal’s Ark to turn on the family and kill them all. In the middle of the mayhem Dra’Book sabotages all the escape pods and uses the only functional one to escape. The GD-Units manage to slaughter almost everyone on the ship within hours. A few of the royalty manage to survive the attack in the children’s nursery, including Ezbeet Dra’Hexra. Dra’Hexra uses the ships computer to reset one of the Guardian Droids, GD-Unit 5.
As a result of the reset, GD-Unit 5 malfunctions merging both it’s origin programing with that of Dra’Book. It believes that it must educate and protect the Royal family by eliminating it. It quickly destroys the other Guardian Droids to protect the survivors. GD-Unit 5 then gathers the remaining Royalty including the children. GD-Unit 5 explains that in must protect the Dra’Azari Royal Family. It then attacks them, killing everyone except the 6 youngest. It has calculated that it must educate, train, and manipulate these six children to be the new leader of the Azari people.
In the chaos of the GD-Units attack, the Royalty’s ark ship was sent severely off course. Years pass by and the children become adults, they began calling the Guardian Droid, Dra’Zun. “Dra” for their family name and “Zun” meaning teacher. In the years that have passed Dra’Zun has taught his students to be ruthless, calculating and unforgiving in all matters. It has also manipulated their genetic code to enhance their strength, durability, speed and intelligence. Dra’Zun’s final lesson will be to have the his students fight and kill each other, until the strongest and most intelligent one survives. This “Winner” will be the rightful ruler of the Azari people. He or she will begin by conquering small worlds to build an army, then take back the kingdom. Dra’Zun plans to remain as this true ruler’s faithful servant.
Behavior Traits:
Patient, Calculating, Loyal, ruthless
Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Strength, Records of all Azari knowledge
Check out my other 2012 Challenge Characters
Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my Blog and other Social Media sites!
All rights reserved. All contents â„¢ and © 2012 to Rafael “Ralph” Contreras, unless otherwise noted herein to respective content owners.
2012 Challenger: Ralph Contreras
SHAZAM! Hey everyone!
My name’s Ralph Contreras, I’m a three year alumni of the 30 Character Challenge. This will be my 4th time around. The first year was the only challenge I was able to complete. I’m very excited and determined to finish all 30 this year. It’s a great challenge and I’m really looking forward to it. In past years I’ve made some great online friendships with fellow creators. I’m looking forward to seeing all the amazing characters everyone will create this year.
I’m a huge comic nerd with aspiration of working in the comic field professionally. Comics have always been a part of my life. I even owned and ran my own comic book shop. For the past few years I’ve really been trying to make the dream a reality. My day job is graphic design, but at night I work on sharpening my storytelling, drawing and inking skills. I setup a personal blog Comic Book Graphic Design where I combine my comic artwork with my graphic design skills. I post all my pencils, inks and character designs on the blog. I also post great comic book resources to help other aspiring comic artists in their journey too.
Plans for the future, I’ll be focusing on my personal comic projects in 2013. A quarterly print comic Hero Guard, and a weekly webcomic Amazing Hero Adventures (website under construction). Several characters in these projects were created during the past 30 Character Challenges.
Check out my characters from the last challenges: 2009 Challenge, 2010 Challenge, 2011 Challenge
Samples of some Character Designs.
Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my Blog and other Social Media sites!
All rights reserved. All contents â„¢ and © 2012 to Rafael “Ralph” Contreras, unless otherwise noted herein to respective content owners.
#20 Victory
Character Back Story:
Fights with a recovered Battle Staff from a Foot Solder of the Cyber Lords
#19 Doctor Julius Spektor
Character Back Story:
Studies found technology from extraterrestrials. Is the lead scientist studying the super hero Solarus and his sons.
#18 Priests of Radiance
Character Back Story:
Followers and police of the Radiant Guardian and his new reshaped world.
#17 Radiant Guardian
Character Back Story:
Formally the hero Solarus, evolved to a being of pure energy who wants to reshape the world in his image.
#16 Alison Heart
Character Back Story:
Young woman who has discovered she and her boyfriend Horace Jefferson have gained the power of telekinesis.
#15 Horace Jefferson
Character Back Story:
Young man who has discovered he and his girlfriend Alison Heart have gained the power of telekinesis.
#14 William Bone
Character Back Story:
Leader of The Bone Marauders, future son of Nicholas Williams. From my “Shattered Earth” project.
#13 The Bone Marauders
Character Back Story:
Marauders of the wastelands in the new America. From my comic project “Shattered Earth”
#11 The Pack
Character Back Story:
Madam Blue Eyes soldiers. They enforce and protect their part of New Las Vegas. The Pack fight against the Kings Mafia on a regular basis.
#9 The Kings Mafia
Character Back Story:
The King of New Las Vegas soldiers. They enforce the Kings laws. Fight against the Pack on a regular basis.
#7 The King of New Las Vegas
Character Back Story:
Former Elvis Impersonator and small time criminal. Now runs half of the city of New Las Vegas in the Shatter Earth.
#6 Scritters
Character Back Story:
Dark creatures that lay their eggs in human brains in the wastelands of the new America in the “Shattered Earth”.
#5 Nicholas Williams
Character Back Story:
Survivor of the Shattered Earth Event, Looking for his son in the wastelands of America.
#4 Lilith
Character Back Story:
Lilith is Adams first wife before Eve. She refuses to be Adams subordinate and states that she is his equal. When Lilith leaves the Garden of Eden and Adam the angels Sansenoy, Senoy and Semangelof are sent to bring her back. She refuses to go back to Adam so a bargain is made for her freedom. The price is the deaths of one hundred of her children every day. Lilith complies, but gives birth to more then 100 a day. Through the many centuries Lilith has slowly birthed an army of daughters and sons to take back the world she believes rightfully belongs to her. Their numbers rival the angels themselves. She has raised her children to hate and pity the “Children of Eveâ€. There is a war for Earth coming and Lilith plans to win it.
Behavior Traits:
Independent, Motivated, Headstrong, Manipulative, Driven, Cunning
Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Flight, Telepathy, Motivation, Limited Teleportation
Lilith is a character from my comic project “First Legacyâ€, this is a working title. She is taken from folklore and was mentioned in the character back story of a character named Aurora Light a few years ago. I used is challenge to revisit the comic idea.
#3 Sansenoy
Character Back Story:
Sansenoy along with his brothers Senoy and Semangelof are Archangels and guardians of humanity. When Lilith leaves the Garden of Eden and Adam they are sent to bring her back. A bargain is made for her freedom, the price is the deaths of one hundred of her children every day. Lilith complies, but gives birth to more then 100 a day. Sansenoy keeps a watchful eye on Lilith and her surviving children. On many occasions he even fight them in battle. Sansenoy eventually meets and falls in love with Liliths greatest warrior daughter, Sylvia. Sansenoy and Sylvia began a secret romantic relationship. He shows Sylvia the great potential and wonders that the “Children of Eve” can achieve.
Behavior Traits:
Compassionate, Supportive, Stern, Romantic
Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Flight, Super-Strength, Empathy
Sansenoy is a character from my comic project “First Legacyâ€, this is a working title. He is taken from folklore and was mentioned in the character back story of a character named Aurora Light a few years ago.
#2 Isaac, Son of Lilith
Character Back Story:
Isaac is one Liliths warrior children. Raised from birth to despise the “Children of Eve”, Isaac sees no redeeming qualities in humanity. He is one of the most savage of her sons, there is no one he fears. He’s fight against both angels and demons, very rarely finding any equals.
Behavior Traits:
Patience, Brutal, Calculating, Loyal
Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Heighten Senses, Night Vision, Super-Strength, Weapons Master, Hand to Hand Combat
Isaac is a character from the comic is “First Legacyâ€, this is a working title. I wanted to make him a huge frighting warrior. Not to bulky, but still menacing looking.
#1 Rachel, Daughter of Lilith
Character Back Story:
Rachel is a warrior daughter of Lilith. Lilith was Adams first wife before Eve, refusing to be his subordinate and left him. Through the many centuries Lilith has slowly created an army of daughters and sons to take back the world. One of the strongest of these daughters is Rachel. She was raised from childhood to hate and pity the “Children of Eve”. One of her mothers most loyal warriors. Rachel has fought many campaigns against both angels and demons. Rachel is a cunning warrior and field general in Lilith’s army. She is always ready to fight in defense of her sisters, brothers and mothers beliefs.
Behavior Traits:
Short Tempered, Headstrong, Driven, Impatient, Loyal
Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Flight, Super-Strength, Swords Master, Hand to Hand Combat, Expert Combat Tactician
Rachel originates form a character creation I did a few years ago. I mentioned her in the character back story of a character named Aurora Light. I’ve always wanted to go back to that story, this gave me a change to redefine the characters and the story. The working title for this comic is “First Legacy“.
2011 Challenger: Ralph Contreras
SHAZAM! Hey everyone!
My name’s Ralph Contreras, I’m an alumni of the awesome 30 Character Challenge. This will be my 3rd time around. The first year I completed the challenge, but last year I didn’t. I’m determined to see the whole thing through this year. It’s a great challenge and I’m really looking forward to it. In past years I’ve made some great online friendships with fellow creators. I’m looking forward to seeing all the amazing characters everyone will create this year.
I’m a huge comic nerd with aspiration of working in the comic field professionally. Comics have always been a part of my life. I even owned and ran my own comic book shop. For the past few years I’ve really been trying to make the dream a reality. I setup a personal blog Comic Book Graphic Design, where I combine my comic artwork with my graphic design skills. I post all my sketches, character designs and comic book resources to help other aspiring comic artists in this journey too. I’ve very excited to announce my first self created comic project will be seeing print in early 2012, Amazing Hero Adventures (website under construction). Several characters in the comic were created during the 2009 & 2010 Character Challenge.
For this challenge I’m planning on getting some characters fleshed out for several comic stories bouncing around in my mind. I’ll be using this as my starting point, the challenge always sends my mind to all sorts of directions during the month. This year my goal is to pencil, ink and digitally color all character designs.
Check out my characters for the last challenges: 2009 Challenge, 2010 Challenge
Samples of some Character Designs.
Let’s be Friends! Connect with me on my Blog & other sites!
Ralph Contreras – 30 Characters
Wow! What a great month! So many awesome new characters from all the participants. I really enjoyed seeing all the creativity every day. Thanks to Tyler for gathering us all together. You Rock dude! So I didn’t quite finish the challenge. I did come up with 30 characters, but I was only able to illustrate 12 of them. If anything I learned I need to work on my time management skills.
Entering the challenge I planned on coming up with fresh ideas every day and not having any preconceived plans to the characters before I put my pencil to the paper. But once I started with the first character I started getting ideas for other characters. Eventually I created a list of 30 characters that were not only connected to each other, but also connected to the universe of my current personal comic projects.
I’ve included my list of the 30 characters with a strike through on the ones I was able to illustrate and post. Although I wasn’t able to get them all done in time for this awesome challenge. I will finish them and post on my personal blog (ComicBookGraphicDesign.com).
30 Characters 2010 – Ralph Contreras
- 1. Foot Soldier of the Cyber Lords (male)
- 2. Zarruk Xeon (male)
- 3. General Grimm (male)
- 4. Surge Shocker (male)
- 5. Penelope Chamber (female)
- 6. Leon Perrie (male)
- 7. Psycho Bringer (male)
- 8. Susan Spektor (female)
- 9. Legerity [Sandra Spektor, sister of Susan Spektor] (female)
- 10. Solarus [John McCarran] (male)
- 11. Brother Jeffrey Hamilton, Founder of the Church of Solarus (male)
- 12.Cyberonic [Jason Tabort] (man)
- 13. Solarus II [Benjamin McCarran, son of original Solarus] (male)
- 14. Jeremiah Stone [Elementals; Earth] (male)
- 15. Susanna Ridley [Elementals); Wind] (female)
- 16. Bo Stone [Elementals; Water] (male)
- 17. Jed Griffen  [Elementals; Fire] (male)
- 18. Victory [uses a modified Foot Soldier energy staff] (female)
- 19. Red Mammoth (male)
- 20. Tiger Shadow (male)
- 21. Crimson Sun [Cameron McCarran, son of original Solarus and brother to Solarus II] (male)
- 22. Cakka’ria, Cyber Lord field leader (female)
- 23. Kevin Spektor [son of Solarus II and Susan Spektor] (male)
- 24. Azaark’con, interstellar bounty hunter (Female)
- 25. The Shadows Man [Alec Samson] (male)
- 26. Mighty Max [Maximilian Murphy] (male)
- 27. Arcanzra Bliz’chat, Acarien Rebel leader (arachnoid alien male)
- 28. Shak’urra Bliz’chat, Acarien Rebel [daughter of Arcanzra Bliz’chat] (arachnoid alien female)
- 29. Hexson Ichubuz, Former Foot Soldier, now free (male)
- 30. Oun Da Zerka the Cyber Lord (male)
Thanks again to Tyler James for gathering us all together, and to Daniel Govar (saulone) for the great .psd templates. As an alumni of last year’s 30 Character Challenge, I was proud to participate again this year. I’m happy to have made new friends with a bunch of great and talented artists. Anyone else that wants to connect with me, follow the links at the end of this post. See you all next year again for the 2012 Challenge! – Shazam!
Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my Blog and other sites!
#30Characters Chatter…