Author Archive: DungeonWarden

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#1 1X-W9

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Robot Girl1X-W9 is a protocol droid that has been modified to act as an assassin. Using her abilities to speak in many langrages, she can gain people’s confidence and get into places that are normally restricted to outsiders.  Her gun is part of her body and can be hidden with little chance of detection.  She must be careful picking when and how to kill her targets.  If word got out that a protocol droid was killing people, her job would become much more difficult.


2011 Challenger: George Ward

| October 20, 2011 | 0 Comments

George Ward portartWell, it’s almost November and that means another month of character drawing.  Last year I was working on some projects that required a lot of characters so it wasn’t too hard to create the 30 characters required for the challenge.  This year, I don’t really have any projects in mind so I will likely create a lot of random characters. I want to create a few weird looking characters, maybe a few robots, some monsters, and a few cute girls.

I’m the creator of the webcomic, Dungeon Legacy, so I can always use a few monsters as adversaries of the party.  I also draw Art Animals but I haven’t finished introducing all the characters I created for that strip last year.  However, if I’m running out of ideas near the end I may create a few more animal people for the strip.

If you’re seen my entries from last year, then you know what to expect.  I also put up regular sketches on my Tumblr blog, so you can see how much my art has improved since then.  I will be trying different styles and techniques as I experiment with different ideas just to keep things interesting.

#30 – Harold

| November 30, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 30 - Harold

Harold the neighbor

Harold is Candice’s husband and downstairs neighbor to the girls.  He is more forgiving then his wife and has a “Girls will be girls” attitude toward them.  He is friendly and kind to strangers, believing everyone has some good in them.  He gets along well with Numan (Day 18) and they will have long discussions about spirituality and philosophy.

And that’s the last one.  Other characters may show up in the story, but this is enough characters for many months of strips.  Thanks for the 30 Character challenge.  I would never have spent the time developing these characters if not for this.  See you next year.

#29 – Candice

| November 30, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 29 - Candice

Candice the neighbour

Candice is the nosy downstairs neighbor who is always watching what the girls are up to.  She will complain when they are noisy or even just talking loudly.  Her long suffering husband (#30) tries to distract her and apologies whenever she goes to far.

#28 – Mr Arwend

| November 29, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 28 - Mr. Arwend

Mr. Arwend

Mr. Arwend runs the “Brachiation Brew”, a coffee shop near the university.  He is also the father of Pepper and is paying her way through college.  He doesn’t like her tom-boyishness and tries to control her life.  He has plans for his daughter that he is not ready to reveal yet.

#27 – Lop-Lop

| November 28, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 27 - Lop-Lop

Lop-Lop the Destroyer

Lop-Lop is both the terror and the darling of the art department.  With a power and ability beyond her years she creates some amazing paintings; however, she is also very self-centered and conceded.  She takes her talents for granted and puts down the other students as if it’s their fault they weren’t born with her abilities. She also brings her strength to the sports arena and will sometimes take on several opponents at a time just for the challenge.  Not only that, but she also has a powerful singing voice and plays rock guitar solos.  She has butted heads with most of the other girls and isn’t liked by any of them.  They would plan their revenge if they weren’t so scared of her.

#26 – Pepper

| November 27, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 26 - Pepper

Pepper the jogger

Pepper is friends with Pearl and Lucy and part of their sport team.  She is a fast runner and quick on her feet.  She can be over-confident and often gets in trouble over-estimating her teams abilities.  Fortunately her skills and determination can get her out of trouble again but it is a source of irritation for the group.

#25 – Lucy

| November 27, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 25 - Lucy

Lucy the pig girl

Lucy is one of Pearl’s friends and a sports enthusiast.  Along with Pepper (#26) the 3 girls play together on several teams.  Lucy’s strength and determination are often underestimated, giving her an advantage against many of her opponents.  She is fun loving and friendly with her friends and is well liked by those willing to take the time to get to know her.

#24 – Mr. LaBelle

| November 26, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 24 - Mr LaBelle

Mr LaBelle the Art instructor

Mr Labelle is a quiet man but an excellent instructor. Most of the students love and some are even in love with him.  He doesn’t talk about his personal life and has never hit on a student, so most people assume that he is married although they have never seen his wife.  He does wear a ring on his ring finger but it doesn’t look like a wedding ring , which causes much speculation.

#23 – Dean Berryside

| November 23, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 23 - Dean Berryside

Berryside, Dean of arts

Mr Berryside is the dean of arts at the university where the rest of the gang studies.  He is a bit of a glutton and greedy, using some of the art departments funds for his own projects.  He loves to cook and is known for entering cooking contests.  He studies the classical arts and doesn’t approve of “comics” or “cartoons”  Most of the students hate taking classes from him, but he is very knowledgeable on the subject

#22 – The Mysterious Woman

| November 23, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 22 - The Mysterious Woman

The Mysterious Woman

Who is this woman?  Why does she keep showing up in the area?  No one seems to know who she is.  Many question whether she exists at all.  But she is real, she must be.  Someone is lying about knowing her and I’m going to find out who.

#21 – Gaiety Gale

| November 21, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 21 - Gaiety Gale

Gale the drummer

“Gaiety” gale’s nickname is a bit sarcastic because she’s rarely in a good mood.  She’s a punk rocker but “Swoosh” was the only band she could find that needed a drummer.  She tries to get the other members of the band to put more social conscious messages into the music but the others want to go more main stream in order to reach out to more people.

#20 – Oomph

| November 20, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 20 - Oomph

Oomph Gunther the bass guitarist

“Oomph” Gunther is the youngest member of the band “Swoosh!” and plays the Bass Guitar.  He is a young innocent but tries to act tough and street smart.  He’s in love with Sally Ann but she has no knowledge of this.

#19 – Sally Ann

| November 20, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 19 - Sally Ann

Sally Ann the Lead Singer

Sally Ann is the Lead Singer for the Band “swoosh!”  “Zip” (aka Sam) is the lead Guitar, “Oomph” is base Guitar, and “Gaiety” is the drummer.

Sally is a friendly person and tries to help everyone get along.  She hates fighting and will try to defuse the situation when she can.  She became a singer because “music calms the savage beast.”  Her voice is smooth and calming when she talks but she can “rock out” with the best of them.  It can be a bit of a shock, when you hear her sing for the first time, that such powerful raw vocals can come out of such a small girl.

#18 – Numan

| November 19, 2010 | 2 Comments
Day 18 - Numan

Numan the martial artist

Numan is the brother of Sarah and roommate to Sam.  He is a Tai Chi instructor and is called “Fu-Man chew” by his students.  He has a calm, easy-going manner that borders on being annoying to many people.  Others go to him for advice and for a calming force he exudes.  Sarah suspects he’s just making things up as he goes along, but his advice is often helpful even if it’s a bit cryptic.

#17 – Zip Sam

| November 18, 2010 | 0 Comments

Day 17 - Zip Sam

Sam is a musician with a local band and He is roommates with Sarah’s brother.  He doesn’t get along with Sarah and she would have nothing to do with him if he didn’t hang around with her brother.  He’s a bit of a goof and likes to tease Sarah which makes her hate him even more.  Michelle and Pearl have no problem with Sam and often think Sarah is over reacting

#16 – Beatrix

| November 16, 2010 | 2 Comments
Day 16 - Beatrix

Beatrix the Landlord

Beatrix is the landlord of the apartment complex that the girls live in.  She is also the mother of Angela, who she loves but often doesn’t have time for.  She is thankful her daughter spends so much time with the girls, so that she can work on her business.  She is short temper and single minded, refusing to let other people’s needs interfere with her own.  She doesn’t seem like a nice person but in truth she is just over worked and tired most of the time.

#15 – Angela

| November 15, 2010 | 2 Comments
Day 15 - Angela

AKA Princess Pretty Petals

Angela is the daughter of the landlord in the apartment building the girls live in.  She often visits them because she fancies herself an artist as well. She particularly loves Magic Girl stories (Sailor Moon, Card Captor Sakura, Magic Knight Rayearth, etc) and calls herself Princess Pretty Petals.  She can be a bit of a pest to the girls but they try to make the girl happy so as not to anger her mother.

#14 – Sarah

| November 14, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 14 - Sarah

Sarah the Writer

Sarah is the smartest of the girls and the most well read.  She loves reading and can talk your ear off about almost any topic.  She can come off as a bit of a know it all, but in truth she really does know it all.  If she doesn’t know something she will go out and read a dozen books on the topic, so beware of trying to trip her up with an obscure topic. Conversely, she knows little of trivia and pop culture and considers such topics not worth knowing.  However, she is not just a boring academic scholar.  She has a playful side and can catch you off guard when she plays a practical joke on you or suggests doing something crazy, like dancing in the fountain at the town park. She knows it’s not healthy to read all day long and will often go for long walks to study the world around her.

#13 – Michelle

| November 13, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 13 - Michelle

Michelle the Artist

Michelle is the artist of the group.  She loves to draw all kinds of things, but is especially interested in the styles of the 1920’s – 1940’s.  She sometimes dreams of being a private eye despite the fact that a woman would never be accepted in the role during that time period.  She also loves using electronic devices and draws on a computer tablet. She is temperamental and can act dumb sometimes, despite her education.

#12 – Pearl

| November 13, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 12 - Pearl

Pearl the colorist

Pearl is the colorist for a university newspaper comic strip.  She loves wearing bright colored clothes and painting colorful pictures.  She also keeps herself physically fit and plays several sports, including street hockey, basketball and soccer.  She’s a free spirit and enjoys life in all it’s many facets.

#11 – Emissary and Chief

| November 11, 2010 | 2 Comments
Day 11 - Dragon Emissary and Giant Chief

Dragon Emissary and Giant Chief from Dungeon Legacy

This Dragon Emissary and Giant chief are the last major new characters introduced on page 200 of Dungeon Legacy.  Several minor characters are also introduced.  Check out the page and then go back and read the story.  Major plot twists are ahead.

The Dragon Emissary has come to convince the Giant Chief to use his forces to support the Tieflings war against the Dragonborn.  Why would a dragon help a half-demon race attack a group of people closely related to her own?  She harbors many secrets that will be revealed as the story continues.

The Giant Chief has problems of his own, so unless the Emissary and Tieflings can help him solve his problems, he’s not interested in helping them.  Unless the party can make a counter offer, they may have a major war on their hands.

#10 – Yapala

| November 10, 2010 | 2 Comments
Day 10 - Lord Yapala

Lord Yapala from Dungeon Legacy

Here is another preview of a new character who will appear in tomorrow’s Dungeon Legacy page.  I delayed finishing the page until I created this character in keeping with the rules, so tomorrows page might be a little late.  Hopefully, all the extra detail will make up for this.

As you may have guessed, Lord Yapala is the husband of Lady Melberha, yesterday’s character; however, he is also related to Karlaia, one of the main characters in Dungeon Legacy.  Just what this relationship is will be revealed as the story progresses.  He is quite a nervous fellow and is often bullied by the women in his life.  He relaxes by singing and playing music, and has become quite a good bard.

#9 – Lady Melberha Celity

| November 9, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 9 - Lady Melberha

Lady Melberha of Dungeon Legacy

Page 200 of Dungeon Legacy is going up on Thursday and there will be several new characters introduced. Here is a sneak peak at one of the new characters, Lady Melberha.

She will be a thorn in the party’s side for the foreseeable future, but I don’t want to give too much away.  Go to Dungeon Legacy and find out for  yourself.

#8 – “Stick” Swift

| November 8, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 8 - Stick Swift

Stick swift of the Mechanic Squad

Swift is the only real mechanic in the squad.  He’s not great at it but he at least knows how to do minor repairs.  He uses logs to keep cars from moving while he works on them which is how he got his nick name, “Stick”  He can be a bit of a goof and is a bit clumsy, so the gang sometimes call him “Dip Stick”

#7 – “Speed” Dom Peter

| November 7, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 8 - Dom Peter

"Speed" Dom Peter of the Mechanic Squad

Dom Peter imagines himself a proper gentleman, but he is far from it.  He was raised on a cow farm and is poorly educated but he will try to convince you otherwise.  If anyone should make him look like a fool (an easy task) he will challenge them to a duel and then attack before his opponent has a chance to respond.  He says he manages the Mechanic Squad, although you’d be hard pressed to find him doing any work.

#6 – “Engine” Brock

| November 6, 2010 | 4 Comments
Day 6 - "Engine" Block

"Engine" Block of the Mechanic Squad

Brock is the big brasher of the Mechanic Squad.  He’s not too bright and likes to fight.  He’s good for moving heavy things around

#5 – “Tire” Jack

| November 5, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 5 - Tire Jack

"Tire" Jack of the Mechanic squad

“Tire” Jack is the leader of the Mechanic Squad, a group of brutes that run a garage in the wastelands.  They aren’t very good but they are the only people around that have the equipment to do repairs.  They are allies of the Lesbian Biker Girls.

Jack is the smartest of the group and knows how to change the oil in a car.  He fights with two tire irons, one of which is sharpened to a point.  He will avoid combat when it’s unnecessary, unlike the rest of the group who look for any excuse to fight.

#4 – Chain Sisters

| November 4, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 4 - Amy and Misty

Amy and Misty of the Lesbian Biker Girls

Many of the Lesbian Biker Girls were introduced in LBG vs NNN already, but these twin sisters have yet to make an appearance.  They always work together in unison and make well coordinated attacks.  They always know what the other is thinking so it is very difficult to defeat them.  Their closeness is also their weakness; if you can defeat one of them, the other will surrender.

#3 – Sister Kathern

| November 4, 2010 | 0 Comments
30 Character Challenge Day 3

Sister Kathern of the Naughty Ninja Nuns

Sister Kathern is the sexist of the Naughty Ninja Nuns.  She fights with her cat claws and distracting movements. She’s  a bit of a tease and will flirt with all the girls.  However, she’s not a lesbian and prefers to keep her relationships platonic.

#2 – Sister Pam

| November 2, 2010 | 0 Comments
Day 2 of the 30 Character Challenge

Sister Pam of the Naughty Ninja Nuns

This is another one of the Naughty Ninja Nuns, Sister Pam.  She is the strongest of the women and the friendliest.