Tag: elephant

#18 Madam Peanut

| November 24, 2011 | 1 Comment

And now finally, the secret origin of the archenemy of Scott ‘n’ Snott! While on a class trip to a peanut packaging factory, Scott’s powers manifested for the first time sending student teacher Shelly Valencia flying into a gigantic barrel of peanuts. It took the workers over an hour to get her out. Short as her legume seclusion was, Ms. Valencia emerged forever changed. She gave up being a student teacher and instead became a student of villainy, vowing revenge on Mr. Spring for her ordeal. Shelly Valencia was no more. There is only Madam Peanut!

Buy #30! – GLYF and the Terror of Tusk by Marshall (Calmplex)

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

In the late hours of night Glyf a lone graffiti writer searches the subway tunnels hoping to find a place to practice his street art. Little does he know he will be meeting up with his enemy in “The Terror of Tusk”

Finally my first comic! I’ve been wanting to make comics for over 20 years and now i have finally finished the first in hopefully a long line of comics down the road.

“Glyf and the Terror of Tusk” is a mini comic 6″ x 5.5″ containing 15 pages that are mostly black and white in a traditional action comic style. This comic is suitable for all ages with no profanity and mild comic book style action sequences.

Your comic will ship promptly within 1 business day. If there are any issues feel free to contact me at [email protected]

$3 US $4 Outside US