Tag: geek

#29 Long-Box

| November 29, 2011 | 0 Comments

Long-Box is likely the most obnoxious and youngest member of the Collection Agency, always citing continuity errors or asking about validity of an argument by asking if it’s “canon” or not. He disguises himself using the classic Clark Kent Method of putting on a pair of glasses.

#2 Max

| November 3, 2010 | 1 Comment

Max is a somewhat mysterious individual. He shows up at cons – sci-fi cons, horror cons, fan cons – always dressed as an old-school vampire. At least, we think it’s a vampire. He doesn’t say much, and keeps mostly to himself. He’s no fan of the sparkly “Twilight” vamps, or even the hip “True Blood” or even “Buffy” or “Lost Boys” bloodsuckers. No, Max kicks it old school. WAY old school. Like, “Nosferatu” old school. Come to think of it, is Max even his real name? Nobody has gotten close enough to him to find out….