Tag: greece

#2 Acheron, Lost Warrior Boy of Hades

| November 2, 2011 | 4 Comments
Son of a poor greek fisherman, Acheron disobeyed his father, navigating into a mysterious luminous fog one night. Believing it came from the place his mother had vanished to years before. Unknown to him, he was sailing straight to Hades on the cold lifeless waters of the river Styx. Now lost among the dead, he has become a legendary survivalist and a cunning warrior. He dresses with the remains of his foes, to move amongst the legions of souls and spirits without attracting their gaze. He is the only living boy in Hades and he won’t rest until he finds his mother and escapes the darkness he walks.

#17 Isidoros Thálassa

| November 17, 2010 | 6 Comments

A relative unknown in his time, Isidoros was a true visionary. Living in Greece during the 4th centure BCE, Isidoros is best known for his explorations into deep sea diving. He constantly created suits such as this one to traverse the great Mediterranean. Obsessed with the sea from a very young age, Isidoros changed his last name to Thálassa (greek: sea)as soon as he could. Also a man of some hubris, he would often affix the wings of hermes to his diving suits in hopes that this would call upon the great god Hermes to give him speed and ease of travel through the water.