Tag: security firm

Day 8, 9 , 10, 11

| November 29, 2012 | 0 Comments

So I’ve been drawing these but not posing them, so be prepared to be spammed.

Gonna start with the Kopus family. Firstly we have Tommy. His parents tend to be working more often than not so he tends to be neglected. His sister tells him stories that his parents are secretly superheroes to keep him happy. At 8 years old she thinks he’s too young to become jaded.  Overall he’s cheerful and hopes one day to be his dad’s sidekick.

Patricia is the oldest of the Kopus kids. At age 16 shes become resentful of her parents and all the time they spend at work. Often leaving her to take care of Tommy. She understand that they are not bad parents, when they are home  but she feels neglected. She tells Tommy superhero stories to keep him happy and help her cope with their absense.

Diane Murray-Kopus is a strong capable woman who runs her own security firm. She loves her family but since her aquiring the company she’s keeps them separate, specifically since her husband’s organization is one of her biggest clients, and his organization is a little less than legal.

Daniel Kopus is a great family man when he can find the time, but that time is scarce considering his position as number two in the city’s biggest organized crime ring. He’s thinking about retirement but you can never really retire so he sticks to it to keep his kids safe. He doesn’t worry too much about Diane she’s pretty capable of protecting herself.