2011 Challenger: Faith Orcino

| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Hello everyone.  I am Pitang, or Faith Orcino.  I am an amateur comic/manga artist.  I hope that this challenge will push me more artistically since I have had little formal training with my skills.  My friend who is a talented writer is usually the one produces many characters in the stories we make, but I want to take a chance and see what I can make from this jumbled brain of mine. I’ll probably be focusing mainly on superheroes, but we’ll see.

Here’s a sample of one of my comics that I publish in my school newspaper. For more of my art, feel free to check out my dA page. I wish everyone good luck and hope that everyone will make awesome characters!


Category: 2011, About, Participants

About the Author ()

For those who have participated in the previous 30characters challenge, I am Pitang, or Faith Orcino as I am called in the real world. This time, my friend Joseph Noblit is teaming up with me as The Horchata Crew to complete this challenge and expand our artistic limits and character roster. My friends and I are slowly working on stories we hope to publish. I currently work with my university's newspaper as a writer and artist. "Student A" is the small comic series I make for them. Some have been posted on the paper's website (csusmchronicle.com) It is just a small start to make my big dream real.

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