2011 Challenger: Suenghee Brown

| October 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Hello! My name is Suenghee Brown, but Sue is fine. I’m doing this as an art practice project. Usually, I can’t keep up with challenges as I lose interest, but this will keep me in check! Though I’ve been drawing since I was very small, just within the past year or so I’ve decided to take art seriously and continue on in the subject—hopefully to one day work as a professional artist. I use both traditional and digital media, and I hope this helps sharpen my skills. I am very much looking forward to working on this with all of you!

Category: 2011, About, Challenge Info, Participants

About the Author ()

( l i k e s ) : comic books, super heroes, doctor who, anime, lord of the rings, h p lovecraft, dungeons and dragons, & magic the gathering.

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