2011 Challenger: Issac Miller
Hello! I am Issac Miller from Michigan. I’m nothing special, only a Sophomore in High School. (Who would love to strive both for Illustration but as well as the Astronomy/Physics field.) None the less I will be doing this in development for my plots that I always have running around in my head and strive to do something with these.  I rather need the characters for stories and plots that arn’t filled or make a brand new one from scratch.  Hopefully this will be good for me. Even if I am not the best artist I love to develop characters, so can’t wait to have fun with this!
My pages for art are on my Tumblr (Well, my art blog):  http://letsrollkato.tumblr.com/ and my Deviantart: http://sic-caveat.deviantart.com/ but I will warn you that neither sites are really updated since most of my art is rather not posted on either but stored some where on my computer and neither are any of my best.
Other then my reason for being here I wish all the rest of you artists and writes luck! Can’t wait to see what you guys all come up with.
Category: 2011, Participants