2012 New Challenger: Patrick Rennie

| October 31, 2012 | 0 Comments

Happy Halloween, everyone. I am Patrick Rennie.

I found out about the 30 Day Character Challenge last year but was busy with a project that kept me from participating. This year found me in between projects, so I decided to join in.

I am primarily a writer, so I will be presenting my characters as articles written for a superhero encyclopedia. The setting is my pet superhero world, Shattered Earth. Its world document can be read here if you are interested.

The format of my submissions does not lend itself to presenting a proper narrative arc, so I created a Macguffin, the Book of Unpleasant Truths and Useful Lies, and a cross-over event, the Cosmic Stag Conflagration, to help tie the month together. If you want to check out my most recent work before the kickoff tomorrow, here’s a link to my 24hcd comic.


Category: 2012

About the Author ()

My name is Patrick Rennie. I am 36, have a day job that has nothing to do with comics, and live in Erie after growing up elsewhere. I can be found online at www.patrickrennie.com and on twitter as @patrennie. I am primarily a writer of fantasy, superheroes, and science fiction. I enjoy both short form and long form comics and have done work with both. For example, the daily strip Phantast Staffing Services that I used to do can be found here while this link leads to a more recent script for a superhero comic called Epiphany. I also prefer reading the genres I write in, although I supplement them with comedies, autobiographies, and dramas. I mostly read comics on the web, in trade paperbacks, on my iPad, and in the newspaper. I usually skip monthly comic books, magazines, manga, editorial cartoons, and children’s books.

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